Complete Roadmap to 100% Monster Hunter Wild Achievements

Rewards and achievements are somethig that keeps you hooked with the game for a longer run.

The more you experience all that the game has to offer, the more rewards you get for your accomplishments.

So in this guide, I’ll lay out complete roadmap to unlocking 100% of the Monster Hunter Wild Achievements that includes providing strategies and tips for unlocking each one.

Understanding the Monster Hunter Wild Achievement System

Before we get into the details of each achievement, let’s talk about how achievements work in Monster Hunter Wild.

There are 50 achievements in total that you can unlock. But here’s the catch: you need to finish 49 of them on one character’s saved game to get the last, 50th achievement.

This means if you want to fully complete the game, you’ll need to stick with one hunter character all the way through.

You can check you progress on achievements through various methods:

  1. In-game: Access your Hunter profile and navigate to the awards page.
  2. Steam (PC): View your achievements through your Steam profile.
  3. Console: Use the platform’s built-in trophy or achievement system.

Now, let’s break down the achievements by difficulty and provide strategies for unlocking them.

Easy Achievements

Story-Related Achievements

The easiest achievements to unlock are tied to the main story progression.

There are eight achievements that you will naturally unlock by completing the various main chapters of the game.

The final story-related achievement is earned by completing the chapter titled “The World Turned Upside Down.”

Basic Gameplay Mechanics Related Achievements

Several achievements are tied to basic gameplay mechanics and are likely to be unlocked naturally as you explore the game:

  1. The Hunt is On: Create your first quest by selecting a monster on the map and choosing “Begin Field Survey.”
  2. Let the Investigations Begin: Save an investigation for the first time. This can be done through Alma or at the quest board.
  3. First Sneak Attack: Approach an unaware monster and use the sneak attack prompt.
  4. First Mount: Use aerial attacks on a monster until you trigger a mount.
  5. Focus Mode Master: Successfully land 50 attacks on weak points or wounds while in focus mode.

Cooking and Camps

A few easy achievements are related to cooking and setting up camps:

  1. Portable Barbecue Grill: Use the barbecue grill for the first time.
  2. Well-Done Steak: Successfully cook a well-done steak by timing your button press with the background music.
  3. Camp Master: Establish pop-up camps in 10 different locations.
  4. Glamper: Customize your first pop-up camp at a support desk.

Customization and Fishing

  1. Ride or Die Companion: Customize your sacred mount when the option becomes available during the main story.
  2. Gone Fishing: Complete the first fishing side quest in the Scarlet Forest.

Moderate Achievements

Hunter Rank and Monster Hunting

  1. Established Hunter: Reach Hunter Rank 100. This is achieved by completing the high-rank story and continuing to hunt monsters, particularly tier-three targets like Gore, Ark, and the four apex monsters.
  2. Capture Pro: Capture 50 monsters. This requires using traps (shock or pitfall) and tranquilizers on weakened monsters.
  3. Top of the Food Chain: Hunt 50 apex predators.
  4. Monster Slayer: Hunt 100 large monsters of any kind.
  5. Seasoned Hunter: Hunt 50 tempered monsters (unlocked after Hunter Rank 20).

Questing and Companion

  1. A True Hunter is Never Satisfied: Complete 50 quests.
  2. Someone Worth Following: Complete 100 quests with your Palico deployed.

Economic Achievement

Millionaire: Have 1 million zenny at once. This can be achieved by selling trade-in materials, ores, and monster parts, as well as fishing for valuable golden and platinum fish.

Crafting Achievements

  1. Power is Everything: Craft five weapons of rarity 7 or higher.
  2. Armored Up: Craft five armor pieces of rarity 7 or higher.
  3. Legendary Weaponsmith: Forge a weapon using three rarity 8 parts.

Side Quests

East to West, to Hunt and Ever Rest: Complete 30 different side missions. Most of these become available after chapter 4 in high rank.

Challenging Achievements

Fishing Achievements

  1. Fisho: Reel in 30 “whoppers” (large fish).
  2. Monster Squid Hunter: Catch a giant squid.

These achievements require completing the fishing side quests to unlock special lures and techniques. Specific fish, like the gravid bowfin and giant squid, have unique spawn conditions and fishing mechanics.

Multiplayer Achievements

  1. Newly Forged Bonds: Follow another hunter’s profile.
  2. Gossip Hunter: View 30 different hunter profiles.
  3. Hunters United: Complete a quest with at least one other player.
  4. Hunters United Forever: Complete 100 quests with other players.

Explorer of the Eastlands

Obtain 10 different special items of rarity 6. These are tied to specific “emergence” events in the world and require careful tracking of environmental conditions and time passage.

Monster PhD

Hunt every large monster in the game at least once (29 total monsters).

Crown Achievements

These achievements are related to hunting monsters of exceptional size:

  1. Keen-Eyed Observation: Spot your first gold crown large monster.
  2. Miniature Crown Collector: Obtain 10+ miniature crowns.
  3. Giant Crown Collector: Obtain 10+ gold crowns.
  4. Miniature Crown Master: Obtain miniature crowns for almost all monsters.
  5. Giant Crown Master: Obtain gold crowns for 26 out of 29 monsters.

Crowns can be farmed more efficiently using the arena (Wounded Hollow) method, where monsters respawn with potentially different sizes. You can also share crown investigations with friends to speed up the process.

Tips for Achievement Hunting

  1. Combine objectives: Many achievements can be worked on simultaneously. For example, hunting tempered apex predators contributes to multiple achievements at once.
  2. Utilize the arena: The Wounded Hollow is an excellent place to farm for monster size crowns due to its non-seeded nature.
  3. Participate in multiplayer: Join online lobbies and respond to SOS flares to work towards multiplayer achievements.
  4. Keep track of special items: Pay attention to the environment overview to spot rare emergence events for special item gathering.
  5. Be patient with fishing: Some fish have specific spawn conditions. Use the appropriate bait and time of day/season for best results.
  6. Save Zenny: Avoid unnecessary purchases and sell valuable items to reach the millionaire achievement faster.
  7. Complete side quests: These not only contribute to specific achievements but also often provide valuable rewards and unlock new features.
  8. Share and collaborate: Work with friends or online communities to share crown investigations and strategies for difficult achievements.


Getting all the achievements in Monster Hunter Wild is a big task. It takes a lot of time, skill, and sometimes a little bit of luck. If you work through these achievements one by one, you’ll get to see and do everything the game has to offer.

Keep in mind that new special quests and game updates might come out later. These could make it easier to get some of the harder achievements. So, make sure to out for what comes next.

That’s all for now. If you’re stuck somewhere when unlocking any of these achievements, do share your concerns in the comments below.

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