In FrostPunk 2, managing resources effectively is super-important to ensure the survival and efficiency of your city.
One such super-important resource is oil.
This guide will walk you through the steps to transfer at least 75 oil output to New London, ensuring that your cities are well-supplied and functioning optimally.
Step-by-Step Guide to Transfer Oil
1. Build an Extraction District
The first step in transferring oil is to build an Extraction District.
Locate an oil field and construct the district on top of it. In the post, the extraction district is built on an oil field near an old dreadnought.
Make sure to choose a strategically beneficial spot.
2. Increase Oil Output
To meet the 75 oil output requirement, you can either add an Oil Jack to your district or increase the size of your extraction area.In the post we tried expanding the district’s size as it was sufficient to boost the output to 82, without needing additional Oil Jacks.
3. Access the City Transfer Menu
Once your extraction is optimized:
- Click on the first button visible to you (typically on your interface related to resources or trading).
- Click the subsequent button that appears.
4. Select Resources to Transfer
In the transfer menu, you will see several options for transferring materials between cities.Scroll to find the oil transfer section.
5. Initiate Oil Transfer
Select the amount of oil you wish to transfer—in this case, 75 units. Then, click on the “Transfer Resources” button.
6. Verify the Transfer
Ensure the transfer process is complete by checking the status in the transfer menu. Once done, 75 units of oil should be sent to New London successfully.