When a man complains of having flu or a cold it time one has to take it seriously. Because a study reveals that men have a weaker immune system. The analysis by Stanford University School of Medicine clarifies that men might suffer more when they’re struck down with influenza. Since the elevated levels of testosterone in them can weaken their immune reaction. So what is Man Flu then?
What is Man Flu?

While Oxford dictionary defined the term man flu as “a cold or similar minor ailment as experienced by a man who regarded as exaggerating the severity of the symptoms.” There the Man Flu website explained it to be “a crippling and debilitating disorder indiscriminately striking down male members of the human species without warning.”
But to learn the facts behind the much problematic subject, – if man flu is real or is only an exaggeration. The British Medical Journal (BMJ) in its Christmas particular journal in this flu season explored the science behind the fact – “whether men are wimps or just immunologically inferior.”
A doctor from Canada, Dr. Kyle Sue, in his analysis not only highlighted that men might undergo worse cold, and influenza symptoms compared to girls but also explored regarding.
Why there’s such a difference?

According to Dr. Kyle Sue, “there are already many physiological differences between women and men. Therefore it is logical that we could disagree in our answers to cold and influenza viruses too,” reported that the Health Day.
A clinical assistant professor in family medicine at Memorial University in St. Johns, Newfoundland Dr. Sue explained, “I believe the study does point towards guys using a poorer immune reaction when it has to do with common viral respiratory infections and the flu.” He also added, “This can be revealed by the fact that they have worse symptoms. They last longer, they’re more likely to be hospitalized and more likely to die from it.”
Dr. Sue said, “Men may not be exaggerating symptoms but have weaker immune responses to viral respiratory viruses, leading to greater morbidity and mortality than in women.”
Dr. Sue who wrote a study for BMJ, in his research he said that men in the United States appeared to have higher death rates because of influenza. As compared to girls of the same age. According to his study, he clarified that men might take time to recover as compared to women. And it all happens for Man flu.
But speaking about the advantages of being sick and saving energy, Dr. Sue wrote in his analysis, But talking about the benefits of being ill and saving energy, Dr. Sue wrote in his report, “Lying on the sofa, not getting out of bed, or getting help with activities of daily living might also be evolutionary behaviours which formerly shielded against predators.”
An Interview with Guardian on the topic of Man Flu!
Speaking into TheGuardian, Dr. Sue Stated: “There need to be more studies, higher quality studies. That control for other factors between men and women before we can say that this difference in immunity exists.”
He also added “Is it that women are more resilient, that they can juggle more when they are ill, or is it that they don’t have as severe symptoms? That we are not too sure about. But I think everyone should give the benefit of the doubt when they are ill.”
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In an interview to the CBC.
In an interview to the CBC, Dr. Sue said, The whole point of doing this article is to prove that men are not wimps. We are suffering from something we have no control over … [We] should be given the benefit of the doubt rather than being criticized for not functioning well during the flu or the common cold.”