All You Need To Know About WhatsApp Status Downloader

If you want to search about Whatsapp Status Downloader then this is the correct page you arrive. Here in this article, you know about the Whatsapp status Downloader. Below I give you the five simple process.

The 1st process is WhatsApp status download photo or video by using your smartphone settings, the 2nd process is by using 3rd party application. WhatsApp normally stores statues in their unseen folder. WhatsApp Status Downloader is too excited for everyone. Lots of people loved to share the remarkable moment and the status moment with your family or loved ones. Approx Social media has one of the best features that you can share your Status. Below I give you some step then you can download WhatsApp status downloader.

1st Process:

1st Step:

Ist you will need the File Explorer to save or download Whatsapp Status. I prefer you that you can download ES file manager from the Google Play Store. On my mobile, I used inbuild file manager.

2nd Step:

Then open your Whatsapp application. Now you go your WhatsApp tab and then view all status that you need to download. The videos or photo you look at the status is necessarily downloading in the WhatsApp’s Cache.

3rd Step:

Now you can open your device file manager or file explorer that downloading the 1st step.  then you go to the setting and under the setting option then you will see one option called ”Hidden” files and then you can select and then enable to show hidden file.

Step 4:

Go to the home screen of your file manager. Here you can see all the folders that has been created by various smartphones and applications. From there click on the folder named after whatsapp>Media> Status. The status folder is an invisible folder which is not displayed every time.

If you are not that much satisfied with the steps provided above then there is another method that you can look after to know about Whatsapp status downloader. You have to remember one important thing that only those photos will be visible that are which are uploaded in 24 hours. Becuase after 24 hours the photos or videos will be automatically deleted.

Method 2:

Here in this segment we will be using a third party application to save another person’s status on your phone.

Step 1:

Download the application from the given link.

[sociallocker id=”6888″]Download [/sociallocker]

Step 2:

Open Whatsapp on your device and then go to the status segment and watch the status that you are going to save on your device.

Step 3:

Now open the app and there you can view all the status of Whatsapp. In the app you can see a download option and click on it download any status that you want to save.

Method 3:

In this method you can use saver for whats app to download and save the status of your friends.

Step 1:

Download the story saver for whatsapp on your device.

[sociallocker id=”6888″]Download [/sociallocker]

Step 2:

Install and run the application. And now it will enable you to download images and videos from whatsapp status.

Above are the methods of whatsapp status and video downloader. Here I have also mentioned whatsapp status app which will help you to get these status very easily. So use one of these methods that you feel is comfortable to you.

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