Google Photos Latest Feature: “Smiles of 2017” Video Collage

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Google Photos


“Smiles of 2017” Google App Feature

Since that time Google has been polishing its service, which has been receiving new features and tools to improve the user experience. And it seems that the next of these improvements will be nothing more and nothing less than the possibility of “Smiles of 2017” and this feature will be available to all those who have already followed the uploading criteria to generate video.

We are finding too many changes in Google Photos App from the 1st day.  It is not the first time when we could see the retrospective view in form of video. Last year, Google Photos launched a similar type of video function entitled “Smiles of 2016” but this time, they are including more effects inside the “Smile of 2017” feature.

Since Google bet two and half years ago for Google Photos as its service of storing photos and videos in the cloud, it has received so much praise for the facilities it gives to the user in terms of privacy, which is a lot to be the desired feature.

See More: All Google Photos App Features Till Now

Even, in October 2017, Google Photos launched AI functionality inside the app in which AI itself figure out the club photos of pets and cats along with friends, family and relatives.

The US company has probably thought – justifiably – that although Google Photos gets this data well most of the time, there may be mistakes, so it offers the possibility of changing it manually. And this makes a lot of sense if we consider that Google thinks we use this service in the long term.

As we said at the beginning, this new functionality will be available from the next Google Photos update, so if you want to try it, you only have to wait for it to be available on the next update of Google Play.

2 thoughts on “Google Photos Latest Feature: “Smiles of 2017” Video Collage

  1. Come on! Google Photo has ruined my Picasa and I have lost many treasured photos. Google has arbitrarily deleted Picasa and has interfered with Photoshop Express It has downloaded many unwanted images (hundreds). You cannot save photos to a flash drive. It has taken over my computer as regards my pics.

    I am now faced with the expense of hiring a tech to see if I can get things back to normal. Yes Google my computers are very clean.

  2. I love Google Photos and have used it since it became available. There is one feature that I would like Google to add and that is: custom sorting of photos in Albums.My workaround is using Microsoft Power Point Presentations but it would be so much simpler if Google just allowed us to customize our sorting

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