KCD2’s Dice Cheat: 100% Win Rate Guaranteed

While the game is proud of how real it feels and how it pulls players in, an interesting trick has been found that lets players win every dice game for sure.

This article looks closely at how this trick works, where it came from, how to use it, and what it might mean for how the game is played.

What is Saint Antiochus Die?

The trick is all about a special kind of dice called “Saint Antiochus Die.

These unusual dice always show a three when rolled, making them unbeatable in any dice game. Players found out about these dice by working together and sharing what they learned in the comments of videos about game tips.

What’s interesting is that these dice are very hard to find just by playing the game normally. Even players who had stolen from hundreds or thousands of characters in the game world had never come across them.

Because they’re so rare, the Saint Antiochus Dice seem even more mysterious and powerful, making them something that players who know about them really want to get.

How to Obtaining the Saint Antiochus Die?

Getting these strong dice is actually pretty simple, but you need to be sneaky and patient in the game. Here’s how to get the Saint Antiochus Die, step by step:

  1. Travel to Trcko: The first step is to make your way to the town of Trcko, a location that most players will be familiar with from the main questline.
  2. Locate the Inn: In Trcko, find the local inn. This is a central location that players have likely visited before for various quests or activities.
  3. Find Betty and the “Hired Hand”: On the upper floor of the inn, there’s a room where a woman named Betty and her husband (referred to as “Hired Hand”) sleep. This is your target location.
  4. Wait for Midnight: To successfully steal the dice, you need to wait until just after midnight when both Betty and her husband are asleep.
  5. Pickpocket the Hired Hand: Once the coast is clear, attempt to pickpocket the Hired Hand. The Saint Antiochus Die will appear as golden dice in his inventory.
  6. Use Savior Schnapps if Necessary: If your character’s thieving skill is low, it’s recommended to save the game using Savior Schnapps before attempting the theft. This allows you to reload if you get caught.
  7. Repeat the Process: The Hired Hand will have new dice each day. Repeat this process daily until you’ve collected six Saint Antiochus Die.

Tips for Successful Theft:

  • If you’re new to pickpocketing in the game, practice on easier targets first to increase your skill.
  • Ensure you have enough food and rest, as you’ll be waiting and sleeping frequently during this process.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Although the inn’s upper floor isn’t considered trespassing, getting caught stealing can have consequences.

Using the Saint Antiochus Die:

Once you’ve received six Saint Antiochus Die, you’re ready to dominate any dice game in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Here’s how to use them effectively:

  1. Enter any dice game with an NPC.
  2. When it’s your turn to roll, select all six Saint Antiochus Die.
  3. Roll the dice. Each die will always show a three.
  4. Enjoy your guaranteed victory!

The power of these dice cannot be overstated. With them, you’ll win every single game, regardless of your opponent or the stakes involved.

Implications for Gameplay:

The discovery of this exploit raises several interesting points about Kingdom Come Deliverance 2’s gameplay mechanics:

  1. Undetectable Cheating: Surprisingly, using these loaded dice doesn’t seem to trigger any in-game consequences. NPCs don’t accuse the player of cheating, suggesting that the game’s cheat detection system might not be fully implemented or intentionally left out for dice games.
  2. Quest Completion: For players struggling with dice-related quests, this exploit provides an easy way to progress through these challenges.
  3. Economic Impact: While not the most efficient method of earning money in the game, consistently winning at dice can provide a steady income stream for players.
  4. Balancing Issues: The existence of such a powerful exploit highlights potential balancing issues in the game, particularly in mini-games and side activities.


The Saint Antiochus Die trick in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 shows how game rules, clever players, and the back-and-forth between game makers and trick-finders all come together.

While it gives you a way to always win at dice games, players should think about whether it’s worth losing some of the game’s challenge and feeling of being there.

Whether you use this trick or not, finding it shows how deep and complex the world of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is. It proves how much the game’s fans care, always looking for new ways to play and hidden things in the game’s medieval world of Bohemia.

Like with any trick, use it if you want to, but remember that the real fun in games often comes from the challenge and the playing, not just winning.