Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: Best Settings for Low-End PCs

In our detailed analysis, we’ll explore how Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 runs on a low-end GPU and for that, we’ve picked a PC with GeForce GTX 1650 4GB GDDR5 graphics card.

Here’s the complete breakdown of the harware configuration:

Hardware Configuration:

  • Graphics Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1650 4GB GDDR5 (Mini ITX OC version)
  • CPU: Intel i5-2600K
  • RAM: 32GB
  • Latest NVIDIA drivers installed
  • No manual overclocking applied

1080p Performance with Low Settings:

The testing began at 1080p resolution using the low settings preset. Surprisingly, the GTX 1650 managed to deliver a playable experience, averaging around 40 FPS.

However, there were some noticeable issues:

  1. Texture Pop-in: Due to the low settings, there was significant pop-in of textures and objects, which is expected but can be distracting.
  2. Frame Time Spikes: The reviewer observed larger than usual spikes in the frame time graph, potentially due to VRAM limitations. The game seems to utilize more than 4GB of VRAM even at low settings, causing occasional stutters, especially when entering new areas or towns.
  3. Visual Quality: While playable, the low settings resulted in a significant reduction in visual fidelity, with objects and terrain details rendering in quite noticeably as the player moves through the world.

Despite these issues, the GTX 1650 maintained a relatively stable 40 FPS in most scenarios, only occasionally dipping below this mark. This performance is particularly impressive given that some recent titles, like the new Indiana Jones game, don’t even run on this GPU.

720p Performance:

To explore performance at lower resolutions, we conducted our testing at 720p. As expected, this dramatically improved frame rates, pushing them into the 80 FPS range.

However, the visual quality degradation was severe, especially on larger monitors. We used a 27-inch 1080p monitor for testing, and at this size, 720p was deemed unacceptable for enjoyable gameplay.

900p Performance:

As a middle ground between 1080p and 720p, 900p (1600×900) resolution was also tested. This provided a slight performance boost over 1080p, but not as significant as one might expect.

Frame rates in forest areas dropped to the 40s, and the image quality was noticeably more shimmery than at 1080p. Given the minimal performance gain, the reviewer recommended sticking with 1080p for the GTX 1650.

FSR (FidelityFX Super Resolution) Testing:

The game’s implementation of AMD’s FSR technology was also examined. At 1080p with FSR set to Quality mode and maximum sharpness, the performance gain was minimal – only about 3-5 FPS over native 1080p.

The visual difference between FSR Quality and native resolution with SMAA 1x was subjective, with some viewers potentially preferring the FSR look due to reduced shimmering.

Memory Management and Optimization:

An interesting observation was made regarding memory management. After extended play, performance seemed to degrade, possibly due to a memory leak.

Restarting the game restored performance to initial levels, suggesting that periodic restarts might be beneficial for maintaining consistent frame rates on lower-end hardware.

Medium Settings Performance:

Pushing the GTX 1650 further, medium settings were tested at 1080p. Without FSR, frame rates dropped significantly, often falling below 30 FPS.

However, with FSR enabled on the Quality preset, performance improved to a more playable 30-40 FPS range.

This configuration offered a good balance between visual quality and performance, fixing many of the visual issues present at low settings while maintaining playable frame rates.

Town Performance:

Interestingly, performance in town areas was generally better than in dense forests.

This suggests that the game is more CPU-intensive in urban areas, which could be beneficial for players with stronger CPUs paired with budget GPUs like the GTX 1650.

Ultra Low Graphics Mod:

For those willing to sacrifice visual accuracy for performance, an Ultra Low Graphics mod from Nexus Mods was tested.

This mod dramatically reduced visual quality, resembling old-school RuneScape graphics, but boosted performance to 80-90 FPS.

While not recommended for normal gameplay, it showcases the scalability of the game engine and could be useful for players with even lower-end hardware than the GTX 1650.

Conclusions and Recommendations:

  1. 1080p Low Settings: This is the sweet spot for the GTX 1650, offering a playable 40 FPS experience with acceptable visual quality.
  2. FSR: The implementation in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 doesn’t offer significant performance gains on the GTX 1650 but may provide a preferable visual experience for some players.
  3. Resolution Scaling: Dropping to 720p offers much higher frame rates but at the cost of severe visual degradation. 900p doesn’t offer enough performance improvement to justify the loss in image quality.
  4. Medium Settings: With FSR enabled, medium settings are playable on the GTX 1650, offering improved visuals without dropping below 30 FPS in most scenarios.
  5. Memory Management: Players should be aware of potential memory leaks and consider restarting the game periodically to maintain optimal performance.
  6. Mod Support: The availability of performance-enhancing mods like the Ultra Low Graphics mod demonstrates the game’s flexibility and potential for running on a wide range of hardware.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 runs surprisingly well on different computers, even older ones. It’s impressive that the game can work on a GTX 1650 graphics card, which isn’t very powerful. This shows that the game is well-made and can adjust to different setups.

If you have a PC with GTX 1650, you should play the game at 1080p with low or medium settings. You can also use FSR to help the game run better. Remember to restart the game now and then and close other programs for the best performance.

It’s great that people with not-so powerful computers can still enjoy this game. The developers did a good job making sure it works on many different systems, from low-end to high-end computers.

Keep in mind that your experience might be different depending on your computer and game settings. Try out different options to find what works best for you, balancing how the game looks with how smoothly it runs.