Monster Hunter Wilds Charge Blade Guide

The Charge Blade is one of the complex and rewarding weapons in the game Monster Hunter World: Wilds. It’s a special weapon that can change shape. It starts as a sword and shield for protection, but can turn into a big axe for strong attacks. This means you can fight in many different ways with just one weapon.

In this guide, we’ll explain everything about the Charge Blade. We’ll talk about how it works, the best ways to use it, and tips to help you become really good at using this weapon.

We’ll cover:

  • How the Charge Blade works
  • The best attack moves
  • Tricks to use it well

By the end, you should understand how to use this cool weapon and be ready to try it out in the game.

Core Mechanics:

The Charge Blade operates on a unique system of energy management and transformation.

At its core, the weapon has two primary modes: Sword and Shield mode, and Axe mode.

Each mode serves a distinct purpose in combat, with Sword and Shield focused on building energy and defense, while Axe mode is all about unleashing devastating attacks.

  1. Charge Gauge and Phials: The Charge Gauge is represented by phials on the weapon’s UI. As you attack in Sword and Shield mode, you’ll build up energy in these phials, progressing from empty to yellow, then red, and finally to an overcharged state. It’s crucial to manage this energy effectively, as an overcharged state will cause your attacks to bounce off monsters, reducing your combat effectiveness.
  2. Storing and Using Phials: Once you’ve built up energy, you can store it in your phials by holding the guard button (R2) and pressing Circle. This converts the energy into usable phials, which power your most potent attacks.
  3. Charging the Shield: One of the Charge Blade’s key mechanics is the ability to charge your shield. This is done by initiating an Amped Element Discharge and canceling it into a shield charge. A charged shield increases your guarding power and axe attack damage by 10%.
  4. Power Axe Mode: New to Wilds is the Power Axe mode, which can be activated through various means such as a perfect guard or focus strike. This mode enhances your axe attacks, adding a chainsaw-like effect that deals multiple hits per swing.

Combat Techniques:

Sword and Shield Mode:

  1. Basic Combos:
  • Weak Slash > Return Stroke > Round Slash (Triangle repeatedly)
  • Charge Attack > Moving Fade Slash (Circle repeatedly)
  • Forward Slash > Return Stroke > Round Slash (Triangle + Circle, then Triangle twice)
  1. Shield Thrust: This quick attack (Triangle + Circle after another attack) resets your combo, allowing for rapid energy build-up when chained with charge attacks.
  2. Charge Blade: Certain animations, like transforming to axe mode, have built-in guard points. These act as perfect guards if timed correctly, offering defensive options mid-attack.

Axe Mode:

  1. Basic Combos:
  • Rising Slash > Overhead Slash (Triangle twice)
  • Element Discharge 1 > Element Discharge 2 > Amped Element Discharge (Circle repeatedly)
  1. Power Axe Mode: When active, holding attack buttons causes your axe to act like a chainsaw, dealing multiple hits per swing. This dramatically increases your damage output, especially when combined with phial explosions.
  2. Movement Techniques: Use Dash Slam (Triangle while moving) and Rushing Element Discharge (Circle while moving) to reposition while attacking, maintaining offensive pressure.

Advanced Techniques:

  1. SAED (Super Amped Element Discharge): This powerful attack unleashes all your stored phials in one massive strike. It can be accessed after an Amped Element Discharge or directly from a perfect guard.
  2. Condensed Element Slash: By charging your sword using the charged shield, you can add extra elemental or impact damage to your sword attacks.
  3. Focus Mode: This targeting system allows for more precise attacks and improved mobility, especially useful in Axe mode for hitting specific monster parts.

Optimal Combos and Playstyle:

For maximum DPS, the Charge Blade excels in Axe mode, particularly when Power Axe is active. The most efficient combo is:

Dash Slam > Element Discharge 1 > Element Discharge 2 > Repeat

This combo maximizes both raw damage and phial explosions. However, positioning is crucial, so adapt as needed to hit monster weak points.

In Sword and Shield mode, focus on building energy quickly with:

Charge Attack > Shield Thrust > Charge Attack (repeat)

The general gameplay loop involves:

  1. Build energy in Sword and Shield mode
  2. Store phials and charge shield
  3. Activate Power Axe mode
  4. Unleash powerful Axe mode combos
  5. Return to Sword and Shield to rebuild energy as needed

Key Skills for Charge Blade:

  1. Load Shells: Increases phial capacity and allows reaching max phials at yellow charge instead of red.
  2. Power Prolonger: Extends the duration of your charged states.
  3. Artillery: Boosts impact phial damage (for impact phial Charge Blades).
  4. Guard and Guard Up: Improves blocking capabilities.
  5. Offensive Guard: Boosts attack after a perfect guard, synergizing well with guard point usage.
  6. Burst: Increases attack and elemental attack as you land continuous hits, which Charge Blade excels at in Power Axe mode.

Tips and Tricks:

  1. Aerial Attacks: When jumping, transform to Axe mode mid-air (R2) and hold the button for a powerful landing attack with chainsaw effect.
  2. Quick Shield Charge: Cancel an Amped Element Discharge into a shield charge for faster charging.
  3. Overcharged Phials: Storing overcharged (deep red) phials into your shield extends its charge duration.

The Charge Blade in Monster Hunter World: Wilds is really fun to use if you take the time to learn how it works. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. If you understand how to use it, practice the different moves, and find the best way to fight with it, you’ll be ready to take on the toughest monsters in the game.

With the Charge Blade, you would be able to do lots of cool things:

  • Protect yourself from big attacks
  • Build up power for super strong hits
  • Swing the axe part really fast to do lots of damage

Not many other weapons in the game let you do so many different things. This makes the Charge Blade really exciting to use when you’re hunting monsters.

If you stick with it and learn how to use the Charge Blade well using this guide, you’ll have a great time playing the game!