CityMapper, Best Choice For Public Transport


In ancient times when technology was not much developed, we learn landmarks to reach our destination. But with the advancement of technology, there are apps for guiding us. Citymapper is one of them. Citymapper is a transporting and mapping app which combines data for all medium of transport. It gives attention to public transport. You can easily manage it with a free mobile app or through the desktop site.

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Initially, citymapper was started in London and the second city was New York. It was developed by Citymapper Limited and its main offices are in London. Citymapper provides you the quickest route synthesize with bus, subway, car, taxi, bike and even walk. It also warns you when you miss your favorite tracks with alerts. New York Times has considered it the best travel app. Citymapper was also nominated for Google Play Awards in 2017. Even you can say it the rival of Google Maps.

Features of Citymapper

Citymapper has various favourable features. Take a look below to be aware of them.

Get the Best Direction

You can easily find out the quickest way as citymapper works through trip planners, amalgamate all transport mediums. No matters which is your mean of transport it can find Bus, subway, train, ferry, cab, car share and walk.


It attributed with alert feature and it warns you whenever there is a delay or you missed your favorite line.

Bit by Bit Guidelines

Enjoy your journey with step by step guidance of citymapper in real time. It provides you live bus and trains times and also notifies you at the time of getting off.


Citymapper merges cab to find out new routes. It allows you to know such kind of routes you never hear about them.

Go Feature

The smartest feature of citymapper is Go. It is included recently. With Go, you can easily make changes in order to your distance. Suppose you want to get off earlier to your decided destination then it will provide you alternative routes.

Which is the Best Google Map or Citymapper ?

As you know citymapper is specifically designed for metropolitan cities and for public transport whereas Google Map covers the whole world and a bit complex. When things come in terms of London then Citymapper is the right choice for there as it is basically made to steer the tube. It is a free app for Android and iOS and only requires a GPS while run on your device, save your battery. Citymapper provides you best routes under the amalgamation of the subway, walking, bus and train. Google Map still need a clutch in terms of public transport.

Citymapper also reacts at the time of disruptions. It allows you to share your journey with whom, waiting for you and he can estimate your reaching time.

Contrarily, Google Map is far better than citymapper if you are using the satellite-based navigation on your phone in your car because it gives you best Map exploration. In short, I can say that Citymapper is best in terms of public transport and in London, New York, and Tokyo but Google Map is hugely adopted and is best for the rest of the world.

Wrap Up

Although citymapper has numerous favorable features for public transport but it is limited to a few cities. In future it will round up more countries. Well, If you have any query regarding it, comment below and if you ever use this then share your experience with us.