Forging Duelling LongSword Blueprint in KCD2 from Scratch

One of the coolest stint in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is that you can make really strong weapons, like the Strongest Long Sword.

This guide will show you how to get and make the best long sword in the game: the Duelling LongSword.

We’ll tell you everything you need to know, from finding the plan to make it, all the way to putting it together step by step.

Finding the Duelling LongSword Blueprint:

The journey to crafting the most powerful long sword begins in the Kuttenberg region, the second major area of the game.

Players need to make their way to the northwest of Kuttenberg, near a location called Old Kutna. Here, you’ll find an area known as the Locked Dugout.

To access the Locked Dugout, you’ll need a decent level of thievery skill – around 12 to 15 should suffice. If you haven’t developed this skill yet, you’ll need to acquire some lockpicks from a general trader in one of the nearby towns.

Once you have the necessary tools and skills, you can attempt to pick the lock of the Dugout.

Inside the Locked Dugout:

Upon entering the Dugout, you’ll encounter a guard. While he’s not particularly challenging, you have several options for dealing with him:

  1. Use a firearm (if you have one) for a quick and effective takedown.
  2. Engage in melee combat with your sword or fists.
  3. Use stealth to avoid confrontation altogether.

After dealing with the guard, you’ll find a chest in the Dugout. This chest is protected by a hard lock, requiring a thievery skill of around 18 to open. Inside this chest, you’ll discover several valuable items:

  1. An powerful gun
  2. Some scatter shot ammunition
  3. Savior Schnapps (a valuable save item in the game)
  4. A substantial amount of money
  5. Most importantly, the sketch for the Duelling LongSword

Acquiring the Crafting Materials:

With the blueprint in hand, the next step is to gather the necessary materials for crafting. You’ll need:

  1. Deer skin x1
  2. Horn sword guard x1
  3. Pear sword pommel x1
  4. Toledo steel x3
  5. Iron x2

To acquire most of these materials, head to the weaponsmith in Kuttenberg. You can find his shop by looking for the distinctive weapon sign. From this smith, purchase:

  • Horn sword guard (buy 2 to be safe)
  • Iron (buy 6 to be safe)
  • Pear sword pommel (buy 2 to be safe)
  • Toledo steel (buy 6 to be safe)

For the deer skin, you’ll need to visit the armorer in Kuttenberg. His shop is identifiable by a large blue door. Inside, speak to the shopkeeper and purchase the deer skin from the materials tab.

Preparing for Crafting:

Before you begin crafting, there are a few important points to consider:

  1. Save your game before starting the crafting process. This allows you to reload if you make a mistake.
  2. Ensure you have the “Martin’s Secret” perk in your Craftsmanship skill tree. This perk is essential for crafting master-quality (Quality 4) weapons.
  3. Your Craftsmanship skill should be at least level 16 to attempt this.

The Crafting Process:

Crafting the perfect Duelling Long Sword is a challenging process that requires patience and precision. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Heating the Blade:
    • Heat the blade unevenly, with the middle section hotter than the ends.
    • The top part should be almost burnt, the middle right on the edge of burning, and the bottom part just hot.
  2. Forging the Blade:
    • Start at the top and work your way to the middle with full-power swings.
    • In the middle section, use slow, full-power swings across the entire length.
    • For the bottom section, use only 3-4 hits, then rotate and work back towards the middle.
    • Focus most of your efforts on the middle section, as long swords require more hits here than on the ends.
  3. Finishing Touches:
    • Ensure you’re getting sparks with each hit. Hits without sparks count against achieving master quality.
    • Pay attention to the color of the blade sections to guide your work.
  4. Quality Check:
    • After forging, the game may display either “Quality 3” or “Master Quality.” Don’t worry if it shows Quality 3, as this could be a visual glitch.
  5. Sharpening:
    • Always sharpen your newly forged sword at a grinding wheel.
    • Adjust the angle until you’re on the edge of producing smoke instead of sparks.
    • Look for white sparks to indicate you’re sharpening correctly.
    • Move up and down the blade, being careful not to overheat and damage it.

The Result:

If crafted correctly, you’ll end up with the Duelling Long Sword, Master Quality (Quality 4). This sword boasts impressive stats:

  • Stab: 183
  • Slash: 174
  • Blunt: 35
  • Defense: 272
  • Durability: 220
  • Weight: 1.9

These stats make the Duelling LongSword the strongest craftable long sword in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Tips for Successful Crafting:

  1. Practice on lower-quality swords before attempting the Duelling Long Sword.
  2. Pay close attention to the temperature of different sections of the blade during heating and forging.
  3. Take your time during the forging process, especially in the middle section of the blade.
  4. If you’re not satisfied with the result, don’t hesitate to reload your save and try again.


Making the Duelling LongSword in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is fun and gets you the best long sword you can make in the game. It takes time, skill, and the right stuff, but you end up with a really strong weapon for your adventures in the old days.

Don’t worry if you’re not great at making things in the game right away. It takes time to get good at it. Keep trying, and pay attention to the little things. Soon, you’ll be making great weapons easily.

Whether you want to get ready for big fights, become a famous sword maker, or just like crafting swords, it’s worth trying to make the Duelling LongSword in your game.