King’s Guard Lance: The Ultimate Weapon Guide

The King’s Guard Lance got a major upgrade, making it a must-have weapon, especially if you’re not great at taking out many enemies at once.

Now, it’s just as good as top-tier weapons like Greg’s Reversed Fate and Thunder Cage for dealing damage to multiple targets. So, here’s your ultimate weapon guide for building the King’s Guard Lance weapon.

Key Buffs and Changes

  1. Increased Pylon Limit: Previously, you could only place one pylon at a time; now, you can have three.
  2. Self-Attacking Pylons: Pylons now attack on their own without needing to be shot.
  3. Buff Retention: Pylons keep any power-ups you have when you place them.

Core Mechanics

  1. Pylon Power: The damage from pylons depends on your weapon’s shooting speed, critical hit chance, critical hit damage, and elemental effects.
  2. Faster Firing: Increasing your firing speed makes pylons deal damage more often.
  3. Keeping Buffs: This is key. For example, if you have a buff that gives you a 60% better chance to land critical hits, your pylons will keep this buff for their whole life.

Building Your King’s Guard Lance

Must-Have Mods and Enhancements

To make your King’s Guard Lance the best it can be, focus on these:

  1. Lethal Finish: This upgrade gives you a 60% better chance to land critical hits when using ammo.
  2. Critical Hit Chance and Damage: Stack up on these to make your pylons super effective.
  3. Elemental Damage: Since pylons hit fast, elemental bonuses work great. Use upgrades that boost elemental damage.
  4. Faster Firing: Upgrades that increase firing speed will make your pylons deal damage more often.
  5. Better Insight and Concentration: These upgrades make your critical hits even better.

Recommended Mod Setup

  1. Primary Mods:
    • Lethal Finish
    • Better Insight
    • Action Reaction
    • Rifling Reinforcement
  2. Elemental Enhancements:
    • Chill Enhancement: Adds a frostbite effect, slowing enemies and increasing their vulnerability.
    • Electric Enhancement: Provides a defense-down debuff.
    • Toxic Enhancement: Inflicts poison, useful for continuous damage.
  3. Reload and Tuning Mods:
    • Reload Expert
    • Weapon Tuning

Optimizing Your Build

Stat Prioritization

  1. Critical Strike Chance and Damage: Ensure your build focuses heavily on boosting these stats.
  2. Firearm Attack: Include mods that increase firearm attack to enhance base scaling for weapon damage.
  3. Element Matching: Align your elemental enhancement mod with your weapon’s elemental attack roll to synergize and maximize elemental damage.

Sample Build

  • Mods: Lethal Finish, Better Insight, Better Concentration, Reload Focus, Concentrate Support Ammo, Fire Rate Up, Action Reaction, Rifling Reinforcement.
  • Element: Pick an element that complements your play style. Align your rerolls accordingly—e.g., Fire Attack for Fire Enhancement.

Additional Tips

  1. Try different setups: This guide is a good start, but feel free to mix things up based on how you like to play.
  2. Stay in the loop: The game changes often, so keep an eye out for updates that might change how weapons work.


King’s Guard Lance Weapon which was once considered underwhelming, has received significant buffs and now stands among the best in the game when used correctly.

By using the right upgrades and understanding how it works, you can make it super powerful. Follow this guide to get the most out of your King’s Guard Lance.