“I hate Minecraft. I want to kill this game” there are so many parents used to speak these lines when their kids used to play Minecraft. Here we are going to discuss issues, problems parents facing in Minecraft game.
There are so many parents want to ban the Minecraft from their house altogether. Parents got frustrated by their kids’ passion for this blocky game. However, the games are really wonderful for kids and fill them with positivity. But still, the game is not designed especially for kids. So there could be so many reasons which create issues for kids and parents.
If you want to avoid the major drama in your family due to Minecraft gaming addiction of your kids then you need to consider these major issues about Minecraft game.
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5 issues and problems in Minecraft
There are so many reasons which create issues and problems for your kids because of Minecraft. However, the issues are not so big if we look at the benefit of the Minecraft. let’s have a look at the issues and problems in Minecraft:
1. Confusing aspects of Minecraft
The main problem about Minecraft is it makes the parents confused what is exactly their kids doing with Minecraft. the parents could not understand the gaming mechanism. It’s like to leave their kids alone with different kind of players. In every game, the Minecraft create a new world, You can choose many words as per your choice. In each game, you can choose a different player to play. the things will be totally different from the previous one.
So there is no real universal experience called ‘playing Minecraft’… every player is having a different experience of the game. And that makes it really hard to get a straight answer when you Google something like “what the hell is Minecraft”.
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2. Different Mods updates create instability
The kids use to play Minecraft become familiar with the game rules and regulation, they start to connect with the wide range of players community. The games used to update different Mod of the games time to time. as the users download these modes they create issues like viruses or objectionable content or make Minecraft run slowly and even crash.
3. Connect with the stranger can create the problem
It’s a multiplayer game. You need to connect wit lost of players from a different location, using different languages. It’s like to leave your kids in the playground to play and talk with other kids and adults without your supervision. Most of the players enter into the game for fun and to make good relation but some others use bad language in the chat feature. Some players might also wear skins that can be disturbing or inappropriate.
Sometimes that games can be a reason of big frustration. When you lose all the stuff that you earned after getting dead, it feels really bad. So unexpected changes in games can be a reason for losing all your coins. So if your kids used to play in single player with mods or cheats, it could be difficult for them to play on another server or world where these aren’t allowed.
5. Kids can be obsessed
Sometimes the game could be a reason for getting obsessed. The players who used to lose the game continuously can become obsessed. Such obsession of kids can create family issues and problems. The addition of Minecraft for gamers is not so good.
6. Requires lots of supervision
One of the reasons that make the Minecraft little inappropriate is it requires lots of supervision. the parents need to get involved in the games to prevent their kids from the consequences of Minecraft. If you love to play games like Minecraft than it’s not an issue for you but if you are not interested in games than it becomes a problem.
Final words
The Minecraft is really an interesting game and enhances the skill of your kids. yes, there are some issues and problems in Minecraft but these problems can be fixed by using some tricks. parents need to take care of some of the aspects of the Minecraft for their kids.