SKSE64 Not Working: Possible Problems & their Solutions

SKSE64 not working

Have you played the open-world action role-playing video game, SKYRIM?

If you’re a hardcore GAMER, that would be a STUPID question.

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Apart from some glitches here & there, it’s a great game to play but just like GTA 5, it’s nothing without its MODS.

And these mods are applied on Skyrim using SKSE64 or Skyrim Script Extender 64.

However, only recently many users were complaining of an error message, screen going completely black.

This isn’t new. This has happened with the previous version of SKSE64 & the same’s happening with its current version. This rules out the possibility of problems with a particular SKSE64 version.

So, what can be the issue here? Well, let’s find out –

Possible Reasons Behind SKSE64 Not Working Error

These are some reasons that might be forcing SKSE64 to return with error messages –


✅Firewall in an antivirus protects your PC from viruses & malware.

✅Firewall in a WordPress Plugin saves your website from getting HACKED.

But it’s the same FIREWALL blocks access to some apps & games that it deems to be harmful to you. That’s one of the primary reasons why you keep on getting SKSE64 not working error & others enjoying the same version.


Let’s say, you’ve uninstalled the antivirus in your PC to get rid of Firewalls blocking your access to SKSE64.

That’s great.

But Microsoft Windows comes with a built-in antivirus program.

It’s a system software & you can’t delete it. So, the only thing you can do is whitelist the game from the defender settings.


When using SKSE64, you might have installed a number of mods & it’s possible that one of them is conflicting with another to create problems for you.

This can also happen right after you update the game to a newer version. Thus, to work them properly, you have to update the Mods as well.

I’ve listed all the major problems with SKSE64. Now, coming up next are the solutions to these problems.

Possible Solutions of SKSE64 Not Working Error


As I stated earlier, the installed FIREWALL can stop a particular gaming element from running in the Background. Thereby, interrupting its connection with the SERVER. And the only way you can FIX this is by following these 10 steps –

SKSE64 Not Working
SKSE64 Not Working
  1. Open the Settings from the Start Menu.
  2. Go to Update and Security & select the Windows Security option on the left.
  3. Then, choose the Firewall & Network Protection option.
  4. Click on the “Allow an application through firewall” option and then change the settings to allow Skyrim on both the public and private networks.
  5. That’s it. Click OK and then run the game to see if the issue has been fixed or not.


  1. Go to start and click on the Setting icon from the left pane of the menu.
  2. On the settings window, find and select the Updates and Security option.
  3. Now in the new window screen, check out the left pane.
  4. Locate the Windows security and click on it.
  5. Find the Virus and Threat protection option from the right pane of the window from the options and select it.
  6. On the new window that opens up, click on the Manage settings written in blue under the Virus & Threat Protection Settings on the right pane of the window screen.
  7. Scroll down to find the option- add or remove an exclusion and click on it. The option will be seen under the heading Exclusions written in Blue.
  8. Now use your mouse pointer to select the Add an Exclusion button and from the drop-down menu, click on the Folder option.
  9. Now add the Skyrim Folder.
  10. Save changes and then close all the windows.
  11. Come back to the Home screen and try to launch the game.
  12. Test whether SKSE64 not working issue persists.


Last but not the least, we’ll be disabling the defective mods that are creating a conflict with the remaining MODS & the game itself.

This happens only when the game has been updated, but the mods haven’t.

You can’t update the mods until it’s pushed & shared by their developers in Skyrim’s official subreddit. In the meanwhile, what you can do is, disable those mods for the TIME-BEING.

  • First, run the Ender Scrolls game and from their head over to its MENU. In the menu, you’ve to select the MODS option to proceed.
  • Next, find the mods that CAUSING problems. You can do that by disabling them one-by-one.
  • That’s it. Restart the game and see if the SKSE64 not working error is fixed or not.


It gets very annoying especially when after every new update you’ve to go through this all over again. I hope the team behind the game & mods find a permanent solution.

In the meanwhile, you can fix the SKSE64 not working error temporarily using the three solutions added in this post. That’s all for now. If you’ve got any questions for me then do let me know about them in the comments section given below.