7-Ways How The Technology Changing the Meaning of Travel

With the passage of time, the advancement in technology is becoming more and more evident and the ways it is affecting our everyday lives is very appreciative. Things are becoming easier and simpler for us, while luxury and comfort is continuously being added to our lives. Same is the case with travel where the latest gadgets and technologies are helping people make their lives simpler and make the experience of traveling more fun and more anticipated. If you too are a fan of traveling, you are going to love these technologies and gadgets for your future trips.

The Smart Phone

The smartphones have undoubtedly revolutionized the world and so have they done to the traveling experience. Having a smartphone in your hand helps you stay connected to the outside world while you are on the go. You can make use of the navigation, GPS, map services, locators, real-time traveling news, messaging, shopping, remote check-ins and a lot of other things that you can do with the help of the smartphone. The Wi-Fi connectivity of the smartphone with that of the airplane is now improving day by day so the flight you take does not cut you off from the rest of the world anymore. The airports across the world are improving their applications to increase the flow of passengers to provide convenience to them.


With the security issues increasing across the world and safety of the passengers becoming the top priority of the airports for the international travels, the biometrics are helping a lot in making things simpler and quicker. The e-passports issues to the passengers not only help save the time at both ends but also are a great medium that is providing people with convenience. Recently the photographs and the kiosks of the passengers have been installed at the American airport so that when they arrive they can easily be recognized by the e-passports.

The sharing economy

With the introduction of the services like Uber and Airbnb, the circulation of the money and benefits of travel are no more limited to the traveling companies. Now with these new techniques, the locals of an area get in cooperation with the main companies and they offer their own rides for the customers, while the benefits is divided between the two. Similarly, the services such as Beyond Stays and Guesty are helping people book hotels and manage their tours wherever they go. With the service of Eat with, the travelers can now enjoy the local homemade foods. While the services like GetmyBoat and OneFineStay are helping people find luxury stay options while they are on the go.

Environment-friendly and economical materials

Since technology is making advancement in every field, it is, therefore, helping a lot in making the composite materials for the aircraft and other transportation means much more eco-friendly and economical. The cost of the fuels and the composite materials used in the bodies of the air crafts in the year 1960s have significantly reduced till now and on the other hand, they are increasing the weight bearing capacity of the air crafts as well.


The introduction of Limousine has added luxury and style toward of travel as there are companies working out there such as Ross Limo that offers its services for you to travel anywhere in Los Angeles. Be it some business event or some fashion show you wish to reach, the Limo service with take you there with style and comfort like never before. Also, those who cannot think of buying these luxury cars, can book them for a tour and enjoy the perks of being a LIMO-er.


The wearable’s from the world of Apple and Google also came out as something totally new for the customers. The wearable watch from Apple is a wearable that works somewhat like a smartphone You can enter hotels, book rooms and avail other services if you are wearing this watch without having to wait up for the lengthy processes. However, the wearable have not gained the amount of popularity that was anticipated.

You never get lost

With the smart phones in our hands, GPS at our disposals, geo-location and satellite navigations, it is becoming ever harder to get lost or untracked in this vast world. The opportunities let the travelers enjoy the unplanned trips and go anywhere they like without the fear of getting lost. Then there are apps that help you find out the spots to eat and stay so you literally are never lost with these technologies in your hands. Travelers find all these things extremely helpful and fascinating so that they can now go anywhere any time.