3-Underlying Principle of Crowd Testing Process

Do you want people with disabilities in accessibility testing? Automation tools lacks of creating better experiences as more than the content or UI design, users are the king! How they feel when they comes to your native or hybrid application.

For years, the world has been shifting online. People can take care of just about every essential function by merely logging on to the internet or using apps on their smartphones.

The jump to online has only been accelerated by COVID-19, giving non-digital companies no choice but to pivot and create an online presence of some kind, usually either a storefront or social media.

Thankfully, there’s been an increasingly popular movement to achieve universal accessibility online. However, there are technical challenges in the way of accessibility. When companies want to ensure their digital products are universally accessible, they contact an on-demand accessibility crowd testing platform.

How to choose on-demand crowd testing platform?

The testing process is designed to achieve universal accessibility, with the quickest turnaround time possible, and at the cheapest cost. Here are three underlying principles of the testing process.

User Testing

The foundational principle of accessibility testing is relying on real users who have a broad range of disabilities. Industry leaders like Fable Tech Labs analyze web and mobile experiences so that users can customize them on any device according to their needs.

The feedback supplied helps companies understand the shortcomings in accessibility before the product launches, so there’s lots of time to tweak it until it’s perfect.


Some companies make the mistake of tacking on accessibility right at the end of the process as an add-on. This error can drain money and time from the project!

Think of online accessibility as an inseparable part of the product, and incorporate it right from the start. The best on-demand accessibility crowdtesting platforms work with you from the beginning, keeping you on the path towards success.

Designing accessible digital products can expand your potential sales pool by maximizing the size of the audience. Or, if done improperly, it can needlessly drain money.

Maximize your ROI on accessibility by engaging the right on-demand accessibility crowdtesting platform.

Create Content

The leading on-demand accessibility crowdtesting platforms have engaged communities that can co-author content for their partners. Companies may have their heart in the right place when it comes to accessibility, but they don’t have the experience with assistive technology to churn out content on the subject.

Leverage an engaged community of users with disabilities to publish think-pieces on topics like trends in the accessibility space, or even your booklist! You’ll be the subject matter expert when you have the support of the best on-demand accessibility crowdtesting platforms.

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It’s easy to understand how physical barriers are confining. But in an increasingly digital world where people fulfill essential services using the internet, online barriers are just as restrictive.

When you partner with a community that’s passionate about accessibility, and who relies on assistive technology, you’ll be able to identify barriers, assess experiences, and solve problems sooner.

Universal accessibility is a human rights issue, it increases sales, and in certain jurisdictions, it may be compulsory by law. But inclusivity, equality and universal access can be a reality instead of a fairy tale if you get the right support.