5 Brilliant Ideas for a Strong Thesis Defense

strong thesis defense

After you’ve compiled your research paper, there will be another type of battle that you have to undergo before you can finally say that you’re “thesis-free.” You’re probably thinking by now how you can strongly present your research paper for the upcoming thesis defence. Everything you’ve researched and worked on is now set for a discussion.

However, there’s no need for you to worry knowing that this defence is the last step for you to finally get rid of sleepless nights and stressful days. What you need to do now is to calm yourself because we have prepared for you 5 brilliant ideas to strongly defend your thesis! You can start reading them below.

Practice Your Presentation

Even if you have organized the flow of your thesis, with all the correct information being input, you still have to practice your presentation. The efforts you have invested in the writing process will go to waste if you don’t know how to present them well. Reread and understand all over again the content of your thesis. Keep in mind even the tiniest detail of your research in order to answer all critical questions that might be thrown to you.

The best time to practice your presentation is any time of the day! Whatever you’re doing, you can still practice by talking and talking about the thesis you’re about to present. As long as your thesis is complete, then start practising right away! So that when the big day for your thesis defence comes, it will no longer be difficult for you to talk and present what you’ve already practised.

Prepare Backup Materials

It’s good that you have already prepared all the materials needed for your thesis defence, however, it would be best if you prepare backup materials too just in case there may be lapses and difficulties you might encounter for your equipment. For example, during research defence, it’s no question that you’ll be needing a laptop and a projector. Now if your laptop or projector encounters technical difficulties, it will hinder you from having a better result of your presentation. This is the main reason why backup materials or equipment are vital for your thesis defence.

Additionally, you have to visit the venue where you’ll have your thesis defence, in order to perform the technical check with your equipment. Practice the placement of your projector so that it covers up everything you’ve written in your laptop, as well as the placement of your multifunctional laptop table to ensure stability.

Know the Panel Members

You have to know the panel members invited by your professor, in order to adjust to their standards of questioning. You know for sure that it will give you a big impact if you’ve already prepared yourself to the type of questioning the panel members might ask you to answer. It’s important to do this so that you won’t be shocked and tongue-tied in front of them. Remember that they served as the judges that will give you your final grade.

You can start knowing them by checking their profile that involves their field of interest and their educational background. If one of the panel members is an expert about your research topic, then you really have to prepare yourself.

Be Confident

You have to be confident if it’s your turn to defend your thesis in front. Do not ever think of negative thoughts that might leave you feeling nervous. You have to believe in yourself and be comfortable enough to present your thesis in order for the panel members to understand your point. Once the panel members will sense that you’re feeling nervous, they will get destructed, which loses their focus on what you’re presenting.

Stay calm, maintain eye contact, and smile more. In this way, they can right away assume that you are well-prepared and don’t need to be roasted for questions that they expect you to answer. Keep your cool all throughout the presentation and remove all the worries you have in your body. You will surely get the best result you want for your thesis defence.

Justify Your Research

You have to give justice to your research right from presenting the title and introduction of your research. Keep in mind the reasons why you’re discussing this type of topic and why is it interesting and worthy to be discussed. Everything that you write on your thesis, can be used as a tool against you. So, make sure that you have to understand what you’ve written there, in order to completely defend them.

If you strongly justify the introduction of your research, the same goes to the conclusions. Furthermore, don’t forget your references in case you’ll be asked about the data you’ve collected.


Now that you’ve finally read above the 5 brilliant ideas for a strong thesis defensive, you can be confident enough that these ideas will determine the success you are about to achieve for your upcoming thesis defence!