How to Bypass ISP Bandwidth Throttling

Bypass ISP Bandwidth Throttling


You’ve noticed that sometimes the internet is slower than usual. Then you check to see how much data is left before the limit is reached. Surprisingly, there are a dozen more gigabytes to be used than expected. But still, the speed is quite slow. So what is the problem here and why does this happen?

This is a process called throttling. Since internet service providers control the internet we all have, they can impose limits on it. It seems strange that they would purposefully slow down the speed. But most of the time, there are solid reasons to back it up.

Why would ISPs do this?

By slowing internet speeds, the ISPs are angering a lot of people. The delays usually happen in times of peak demand. Due to many users connecting at the same time, or peak hours of data use, the management of network congestion throttles the net. All service providers have a limit on how much people they can serve at a given time. If more people start coming in and connecting, then the overall speed is slowed down. Here is a great resource to read more about this:

Two more legitimate reasons include prevention of DDoS attacks and optimization and prioritization of traffic. However, there are other illegitimate reasons why an ISP will throttle traffic. Torrenting is one of the most prominent ones. The ISPs say that by torrenting, a stunning 5 percent of users could use 90 percent of the bandwidth. There may or may not be true to this statement, but a lot of users complain about torrenting speed.

How does this affect you?


The most common ways this affects people is when they stream content, play online games, and torrenting. The buffering process when watching YouTube or Netflix takes substantially longer to start. As well as that, people could experience a lot of lag when playing online games. And finally, streaming movies in HD could often times decrement the video quality. However, there are ways by which you could bypass it.

How to bypass internet throttling?

FastestVPNGuide’s method is the best one. This includes two solutions: the use of a proxy and the use of a VPN. Both of these have been proven to work, and now you will know why.

Using a proxy

Proxies hide your IP address, and they route your connections to another server. Now, what does this mean actually? This means that all of the traffic destinations that are sent out get hidden and masked. This also includes the port numbers used. It is a method that works as long as the ISPs don’t have deep packet encryption involved in the throttling. If they do, then no matter what proxy you use, the speed will be slowed down. Click here to find out more.

Using a VPN

A VPN is a way to get around the deep packet encryption. There are a lot of differences between VPNs and proxies, but long story short, VPNs are way better. They both encrypt a connection and act as a middleman for all data transfers. This makes the ISPs unable to detect anything suspicious about your traffic. The only thing that they can do is an improbable scenario. They could limit everything coming from a particular IP address. If this happens, the best solution is to get another internet service provider. Here is some more information about it:

Which VPN is the best one?


This comes to the point of personal preference. But, there are a few things that VPNs need to have to do the job correctly. A kill switch is an important one. You won’t have a great connection all the time. There is a lot of hardware and software included in this process and disconnects happen all the time. When this happens, all the things you’re currently doing online can be seen by the ISPs. A kill switch detects this and reconnects to you immediately.

Great server selection and performance

The more servers a virtual private network has, the better. Here is an example to make it clear why. Let’s say that a VPN has only a dozen servers. All of their users will be connected to these ones, and that would increase the traffic. Since you want to avoid heavy internet traffic, this will be counterproductive. Additionally, the performance of their servers plays a significant role as well. No one would want to evade the ISPs slow speed by using a VPN and getting even slower.


A good VPN service will use the best protocols suited for the task at hand. Make sure to find one that has either OpenVPN or L2TP/IPsec. These two are known as the best ones for both encryption and security. In any case, the chance of being detected for using a virtual private network are slim. By using the best things on the market, you’ll be confident that your data can’t be inspected, and your connection will never be throttled.

How to know if you are being throttled?

The first thing to do is to make some tests. Before using these methods, run a few speed tests to see how good your connection is. When you suspect that it’s slowed down, do them again. After a little while, you’ll know the baseline speed. Now, if you experience throttling, do another test and compare the results. After that, try using a proxy and see whether it works. If it doesn’t, then try a VPN and the problem will be solved.

A few final words

Internet throttling is a thing that is becoming more and more widespread. Even if it doesn’t affect you now, it might happen in the future. Since the internet is becoming something we can’t live without, the delays in speed will ruin our experiences online. Regular testing and checking will help a lot to know whether this process is happening to you specifically. If it does, you’ll have the necessary tools and the know-how to go around it.