All 18 BO6 Zombies Dark Ops Challenges

BO6 Zombies Dark Ops Challenges

Unlocking all 18 Dark Ops challenges in Black Ops 6 Zombies can be too hard for any sane player, requiring skill and strategy.

This guide breaks down each challenge with clear explanations and tips to help you win it.

This article covers everything you need to know, from fighting off waves of zombies to finding hidden easter eggs on different maps.

Let’s get started –

Nathan Boss
Nathan Boss

1. Reaper of the Undead

Objective: Kill 1 million zombies.

Grind out this challenge by adhering to a high-round game plan on any available map.

Consistently executing this strategy will eventually bring you to the sought-after 1 million kills.

2. Armed to the Teeth

Objective: Get three Pack-a-Punch level three legendary rarity weapons with ammo mods and have eight perks active.

Players need to upgrade two weapons to Pack-a-Punch level three, drop one, pick up another legendary weapon, and upgrade it as well.

Ensure each has active ammo mods and all eight perks are equipped. The game will track your progress towards completing this challenge.

3. Social Distancing

Objective: Reach round 20 without taking damage.

This challenge is tough. Equip a strong weapon and use the ‘Ether Shroud’ field upgrade to stay hidden from zombies.

Collect resources to build Chopper Gunners. It might help to try this in a private game with friends to protect yourself. You can also join a friend’s game around round 20 for an easier experience.

4. Strike

Objective: Get a 300 score while bowling at Liberty Falls.

Activate the Mr. Peaks bowling Easter egg by shooting five pairs of bowling shoes around the map.

Enter the Liberty Lanes bowling alley, aiming to hit multiple zombies with each bowling ball. If you fail, retry every five rounds by shooting the shoes in the alley’s toilet cubicle window.

5. Liberated

Objective: Complete the Liberty Falls quest in under 30 minutes.

Speedrun the entire Liberty Falls quest in standard mode to finish in under 30 minutes. Directed mode is excluded, requiring a fast-paced and highly efficient approach.

6. Yo Ho Ho on Terminus

Objective: Earn 20,000 Essence without getting hit with the cursed relic equipped.

Start by getting the cursed relic through small quests that involve melee attacks, finding items, and defeating elite zombies.

Next, earn 20,000 Essence in an open area without getting hit. Use Gobble Gums like Double Points and Temporal Gift to get the most points.

7. Terminal

Objective: Complete the Terminus quest after round 50.

Complete all quest steps except the final one, and then move to round 50 before finishing. This makes the high rounds and exhilarating gameplay worthwhile.

8. Another Round

Objective: Reach round 100.

This is among the more straightforward challenges—simply survive until round 100 on any available map.

9. Good Enough

Objective: Reach round 20 with only your starting loadout and no augments, perks, ammo mods, or field upgrades.

Avoid equipping any augments before starting. Use only the initial loadout weapon and upgrade its rarity and Pack-a-Punch level to enhance its damage and effectiveness.

10. Invincible

Objective: Reach round 30 without going down.

Survive until round 30 without going down by using strong strategies and load-outs.

11. Harbinger of Doom

Objective: Kill 100 enemies with a single score streak.

Gather a large zombie horde in high rounds (around rounds 30-35). Deploy a score streak like the Mutant Injection to kill 100 zombies in one use. Note that kills may count without immediate notifications.

12. Box Addict

Objective: Buy every weapon from the mystery box in a single match.

Cycle through all possible weapons from the mystery box in a single game. Reach high rounds to accumulate the points necessary for repeated box spins.

13. Sticks and Stones

Objective: Reach round 25 solo using only melee weapons and combat axes.

Spawn with a melee weapon and Pack-a-Punch it for higher damage. Combine it with combat axes and the Melee Macchiato perk.

14. Well That Was a Waste

Objective: Get down within 10 seconds after consuming a Perkaholic Gobble Gum.

Consume a Perkaholic Gobble Gum and purposely go down within 10 seconds. This straightforward but frustrating challenge is easily accomplished.

15. Big Chew

Objective: Consume 25 Gobble Gums in a single match.

Equip a pack containing at least 25 Gobble Gums and use all of them within one game. Opt for common Gobble Gums with high quantities for easier completion.

16. Fatal

Objective: Kill two amalgams with a single shot.

Wait until round 25 when two amalgams appear. Use an instakill power-up and a level-three Pack-a-Punch legendary weapon with high damage to kill both amalgams at the same time.

17. Kochi

Objective: During a single use of Ether Shroud with the Void Chief augment equipped, kill three zombies, two special zombies, and an elite zombie.

Ensure the Void Chief and Extension augments are equipped for Ether Shroud. On high rounds, activate Ether Shroud and kill three regular zombies, two special zombies (e.g., parasites), and one elite zombie (e.g., Mangler).

18. Light Them Up

Objective: Using the Big Game augment for Napalm Burst, kill 10 ignited elite zombies in a single match.

Research and equip the Big Game to augment the ammo mods menu. With Napalm Burst active, kill 10 elite zombies ignited by the Napalm Burst across one game.

Follow these strategies to be ready to complete all 18 Dark Ops challenges in Black Ops 6 Zombies.

Good luck and have fun hunting zombies!