The Best Cash Back Credit Cards (Kredittkort)

Cash Back Credit Cards

Cash back credit cards are a dime a dozen in the past few years. These cards offer you bonuses that you can use for just about anything, from paying your bills to buying things that you want and need. There are many different cards to choose from, some with low interest to those with a higher interest rate. These cards can also give you cash back on a variety of things, from groceries to dining to travel and so much more. Make sure you choose a card that best fits you, including annual fees and interest rates, as well as the cash back perks. This list has been created of some of the best cash back credit cards below.

There are more than these cards available, these are just of the best that could be found. If you would like to compare some more cards, you can look at this site to find more suitable cards for you. That way you can find the best one, or ones, for you and your needs.

Best Cash Back Cards for Travel

This list is for five cards that are the best cash back cards for travel. These cards give you cash back on every dollar that you spend on travel and travel accommodations. Look at them carefully to find the card that works best for you.

Citi Double Cash Card

With the Citi Double Cash Card, you can get two percent cash back on purchases. One percent when you buy something and one percent when you pay for the purchase. You get the cash back on any purchase, including travel and accommodations, and it is unlimited. There are other benefits with this card, including Citi Entertainment. Citi Entertainment allows you to have exclusive access to tickets for all types of entertainment. This card has no annual fee and a low interest rate starting at 14.24% depending on your credit score.

Chase Sapphire Preferred Card

With the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card, you can earn a whopping five times cash back on travel purchases bought through Chase Ultimate Rewards. You will get three times cash back on dining and two times cash back on all other travel purchases. Other rewards that this card has is that after spending $4,000, you get 80,000 bonus points in the first three months, and if you use Chase Ultimate Rewards you can save up to 25% extra on anything. Other perks are extended warranty protection, purchase protection, roadside assistance, and concierge services. There is an annual fee of $95 and the interest rate begins at 16.24%.

Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

You get a one-time bonus of 60,000 bonus miles after you spend $3,000 on purchases in the first three months. You also get two miles on every purchase, and five miles on travel purchases through Capital One Travel. There are other bonuses that include $100 credit on TSA PreCheck or Global Entry. The annual fee is $95, and the beginning interest rate is 16.24%, especially if you have excellent credit scores.

Bank of America Travel Rewards Credit Card

You receive one and a half percent points per every dollar spent with this card, with a bonus of 25,000 points after you spend one thousand dollars in three months. You can use the bonus to pay $250 credit toward travel purchases. There is a zero percent fraud liability, extended warranty program, purchase protection, auto rental insurance, roadside and travel assistance and concierge services. There is no annual fee for this card and an introductory interest rate of zero percent that goes to 14.24% after the first year if you have an excellent credit score.

Discover it Miles

You automatically earn one point five times the miles on every dollar of every purchase with this card, and unlimited miles matched that you have earned at the end of your first year. There is no minimum purchase or maximum rewards, you get to use all your purchases to get your miles. You can even use these miles to pay any part of your monthly bill. There are no blackout dates for your purchases, you can use your miles any time of the years. There is fraud protection on this card, as well, protecting you against all fraudulent purchases. There is no annual fee with a zero percent annual percentage rate for the first fifteen months, after that the rate goes to 12.24%.

Best Overall Cash Back Cards

Free Man in Blue Suit Holding Credit Cards Stock Photo

There are more cards that you can use for cash back, that will be beneficial to you. These are some of the best credit cards deals (beste cash-back og bonuskort) out there for you. These cards have different rewards to offer, so you can pick and choose which one is the best for you. These are seven of the best ones out there that have some of the best cash back offers.

Wells Fargo Active Cash Card

This card has no annual fee and has an introductory interest rate of zero percent, with 15.24% after that. You earn two hundred dollars on the first thousand dollars in the first three months. After that there is an unlimited two percent on all purchases for the rest of the time you have your card. Other bonuses with this card include the following: cell phone protection, security features, zero liability protection against fraud and the Wells Fargo mobile app.

Chase Freedom Unlimited

This card earns an extra one-point five percent on all purchases for the first year, up to $20,000. You get 6.5% on travel, 4.5% on dining and drugstores, and 3% on all other purchases. There is no annual fee, and the initial interest rate is also zero, and that changes to just 15.24% after fifteen months. You also get purchase protection, zero liability protection against fraud, extended warranty protection, fraud monitoring, auto rental collision protection, trip cancellation and interruption insurance, and travel and emergency assistance services.

Citi Custom Cash Card

On this card you can get a bonus of $150 statement credit after qualifying purchases. There is a zero percent interest for twenty-one months for balance transfers and for twelve months on purchases. After that, the interest is a low 13.99% based on the credit score you have. This card also offers free FICO score access, Citi Entertainment, and contactless pay. There is no annual fee with this card.

Blue Cash Everyday Card from American Express

There is no annual fee for this card and interest is at zero percent for the first fifteen months. There is also a buy now, pay later option for larger purchases with this card that allows you to break up large purchases into low monthly payments. This card gives you three percent at grocery stores, two percent back at gas stations and one percent on everything else.

U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card

No annual fee and an initial zero percent interest on this card, with an interest fee of only 14.74% after the first twenty billing cycles. Other benefits include cell phone protection, fraud prevention, credit score information, choose your own due date, and buying now, pay later option for large purchases.

Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Credit Card

You get one and a half percent back on every purchase with this card, and it also has a one-time bonus of $200 after you spend $500 in three months. Other perks include an extended warranty on goods, travel accident insurance, concierge service, and a twenty-four-hour travel assistance service. It has no annual fee, zero percent interest for the first fifteen months, and 15.24% after that.

Bank of America Customized Cash Rewards Credit Card

You can get three percent back in one choice, two percent back on groceries and one percent in other places. You can update your choice each calendar month to make the most of your card. There is no annual fee and an introductory zero percent interest rate for the first fifteen billing cycles with an interest rate of 14.24% after that.

Credit Card Use

There are many ways to take advantage of cash back offers on your cards. As seen above, you can save on travel, restaurants, gas, and groceries, just to name a few things. If you would like to see other advantages of card look at this website for more information. You must be careful about the card that you use, because you want it to be a card that you can use to your best advantage. The cards listed above are just a good start to the search for the best one for you.

You have to look at all of the offers you see and make sure that the card is the best one. Do not just choose a card just because you like the look of it. You have to see if you like the annual fees, the interest rates and the perks that the card has.

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