Mobile Game Design – Principles, Basics and Benefits

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Professional Artists on What Makes a Mobile Game Great

Mobile games have always been a massive part of the mobile phone industry. From the first MT-2000 and Nokia devices, we have been introduced to endless entertainment by playing legendary games like Tetris and Snake. Although many consider gaming a small part of the functionality of mobile phones, these devices are built to have the best performance for today’s successful mobile games.

Thanks to the constant improvement of technology, you can see games with incredibly realistic graphics these days. However, only a few names can be considered truly beautiful in an artistic sense. On the other hand, some aesthetically pleasing games captivate the eye and delight the ear.

The design of mobile games is a key criterion determining their rating and popularity among mobile users. The visual side of a mobile game is the key to success and high ratings. Even visual novels based on text do not disdain the abundance of in-game avatars, environments, and color palettes. Most often, developers save time and use the services of artists with broad experience and a portfolio with the best outsource art.

According to professional artists, players are primarily interested in the game’s picture and visual side. If all fans of Super Mario were earlier for his unique interface and drawing, now they are still delighted with modern games where these attributes have grown hundreds of times and are not limited to a couple of pixels.

Mobile Game Design

Knowing just how to use a game development engine and how to create a mobile game won’t make it successful on its own. For it to rise above the other thousands of mobile games, it needs additional resources, one of which is mobile game design and art.

What makes a mobile game successful? The mobile gaming industry is one of the most promising business sectors in which trends are changing daily. To make the game successful, you need to work out several stages first:

  • Concept creation. The first stage involves thinking through the game’s overall concept and design.
  • Thinking through the logic of the game. This is necessary for testing hypotheses, evaluating the gameplay and technical characteristics, thinking over monetization, and conducting various tests of game mechanics.
  • Prototype testing. Testing provides an opportunity to see a preview version of the game to understand the whole image of the project better.
  • Design and development. This stage includes finalizing the prototype and adapting the design to it.
  • Testing. Testing a mobile game is necessary to identify various bugs. First, testing by our specialists takes place, then for a wide audience.
  • Release. Finally, memorable screenshots for the app store are created, titles and descriptions are worked out, and the game is uploaded to the App Store or Google Play.

As a result, thanks to all these stages, you will get a well-designed mobile game that will delight players worldwide. True game design is the process of designing the emotions that a person will receive. Designing a mobile game defines the sets of possible choices, the conditions for victory and defeat, how the player controls and interacts with the game world, the complexity of the game, and so on.

What is game design? Any computer game begins with the idea and construction of the game world – this is what game designers and best outsourced art do.

Designing a mobile game, developers, artists and writers should not forget about such a direction as the gaming experience. No, this is not the experience that the player gets for killing the boss or completing the level. However, this is the main aspect and reason for developing a mobile game. What emotions will the game evoke, what skills and knowledge will be needed for the game, and what impressions will the game leave after closing the application? This is a fundamental part of development, which is so reverently taken care of at all stages of product creation.