How to Parry Like a Pro in Space Marine 2?

Parrying in Space Marine 2

Are you tired of getting overwhelmed by hordes of enemies in Space Marine 2?

Do you find yourself constantly on the defensive, struggling to stay alive in intense combat situations? The chaotic battlefields of the 41st millennium can be merciless, and without the right skills, you’ll quickly find yourself overrun by Tyranids and other threats.

The key to survival and domination lies in mastering the art of combat. This is only possible if you know how to parry incoming attacks, stun your enemies with perfect blocks, and finish them off with deadly gun strikes.

Blocking Basics

Blocking is super important in Space Marine 2. Here’s how to do it:

  • On a controller: Press L1.
  • On a keyboard: Press C.

Executing a Parry allows you to block incoming attacks. Even if you mistime it, you can still Parry attacks that have a blue indicator around them. These blue indicators signify that the attacks can be parried, and, in some cases, weaker enemies can even be instantly killed through a Parry.

Remember: You don’t always need to see the blue indicator to block. But watch out for red indicator attacks – you can’t block these, so you’ll need to dodge instead.

Perfect Blocks

If you block right when an attack is about to hit you, or if you block a blue-indicated special attack, you’ll do a perfect block. This will stun the enemy, giving you a chance to attack them.

Gun Attacks

After you stun an enemy with a perfect block, parry at the last second, or hit them hard enough to knock them back, you can do a gun attack:

  • On a controller: Press R2
  • On a keyboard: Press the left mouse button (after a strong attack)

Successfully executing a Gun Strike involves pulling out your sidearm and shooting the enemy directly in the face. This can either leave them vulnerable to finishers or outright kill weaker enemies such as Termagants or Hormagaunts.

  • Heavy Attack:
    • On a controller: Hold R1 or Right Bumper.
    • On a keyboard: Press the left mouse button.

A red reticle will appear over the enemy’s head, indicating that you can perform a Gun Strike following a heavy attack. This action will also enable you to regain some armor.

Perfecting Parry

Perfect parrying involves dodging incoming attacks at the right moment. These are specifically effective against larger monsters like Tyranid Warriors or above. By perfectly parrying these attacks, you can then follow up with Gun Strikes to deal substantial damage.

Finishing Moves

Finishers provide a satisfying conclusion to a tough fight and offer some critical benefits. You can execute a Finisher:

  • On a controller: Press R3 (Push in the right stick)
  • On a keyboard: Press E

You can only do finishing moves on enemies that are almost dead. When you do a finishing move, you can’t be hurt for a moment, and you get some armor back. You’ll know an enemy is ready for a finishing move when they look dizzy and are flashing red. Get close and follow the instructions on the screen to execute the finishing move.

If you practice these moves, you’ll get much better at staying alive and winning fights in Space Marine 2. Keep trying, and soon you’ll be blocking, shooting, parrying, and finishing off enemies like a pro.