Plant vs. Zombies Beginners Guide: How to download, Play and FAQ’s


After the tremendous success of Plant vs. Zombie (pay-to-play) and winning the title of Game of the Year, many players were waiting for the new version of the game as a free-to-play, and you know what, your wait is over. Finally, PopCap games had launched a new version, which is a free-to-play game for all of its game followers.

Due to its large demand, the company is continuously launching new updates of the game.

Before we jump to what exactly Plant vs. Zombie is and how you can play- have a look at these-

Do you like playing strategy games? or

Looking for a tower defense game? Or

Do you enjoy caring nature and like planting plants?

If yes….then you are on the right way.

One of my friends was very fond of making strategies and caring the nature when we recommended this game to him- he likes these kinds of games. 

As it is said that-

              “Life is more fun if you play games, especially the strategies games,  

                                    With the essence of nature in it.”      

Do you agree or not? Share your views in the comment section.

So, if you want to gain that experience in your life, then this article will help you as it will give you deep insight into what is Plant vs. Zombie and how to download and frequently asked questions in Plant vs. Zombie game. 

Plant vs. Zombie: 

Plant vs. Zombie FREE is a re-release of its real classic game with almost everything the same – graphics, gameplay, and control system; the only difference is that it contains ads. Plant vs. Zombie is a strategy and a tower defense game. With 50 adventure and fun levels through different modes-

  • Day
  • Night
  • Fog
  • In a swimming pool
  • Rooftop

You can play on these modes, and you can gain 49 dominant powers with an increase in your levels in the game.

The game also offers in-app purchases, and you have to accumulate coins in the game to buy pet-snails, power-ups, and much more. Furthermore, you can even buy the coins directly from the main menu. Isn’t it easy to purchase new material?

You will be getting a variety of zombies in the game and battle with pole-vaulters, snorkelers, and 26 more zombies. Each Zombie has its unique feature and skills, so be alert in this fast-playing game.

Supported Devices:

Thinking whether your phone supports this game or not?

Don’t worry- here is the list of the supported devices.

  • Andriod 
  • Ios
  • Xbox
  • Pc
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Windows Phone

Walkthrough Plant vs. Zombies Game:

In the game, Zombies will be attacking your home, and you have to prevent it. To prevent it, you have to place varied types of plants and fungi around your house. You have to make different strategies- (offensive or defensive) for different Zombies as every Zombie has its unique features.

Zombie will come to your home by only one lane, and in total, there are 5 to 6 lanes, and you have to place plants in all the lanes.

You have to choose the right plant for the lane as many plants can attack and defend against Zombies. 

As you level up yourself in the game, you can even purchase upgrades with distinct capabilities. 

Challenges in the Game:

You will be facing various challenges in the game:

  • You will be getting only limited supplies of greens and seeds in the game. 
  • You have to save your house from Zombies from getting in as they can dance, run, jump, run, and can even eat plants.

How to download Plant vs. Zombie Game for Mac:

You can download this game by following simply these step:

Let’s get started-

You can download Plant vs. Zombies game with the help of Bluestack.

Any Idea about Bluestack?

If no…understand it with the help of this.

Bluestack is an app that helps you to smoothly run your mobile applications on your PC and Mac. It is the most reliable method to download the game-

  • Go to the official Bluestack website and then download and install Bluestack.
  • Complete your Google sign-in and verify it by email.
  • In search bar -Search for Plant and Zombies at the top-right edge of the screen.
  • Plant vs. Zombies will display on the screen-Click and install it 
  • On the home screen, click on the Plant vs. Zombie icon, and you are all set for the new experience.

Congrats. You are done.

If you face any problem in installing the game, let us know we are ready to help.

How to download Plant vs. Zombie for Pc:

There are two methods to download Plant and Zombies game to Pc. Here, we are letting you know both the methods-choose according to your requirements.

With Bluestack:

Follow the same procedure which we listed above for the Mac. It will also work for your Pc.

Without Bluestack:

You can even download it directly from the Popcap website. Scroll at the end, and from there, download your Plant vs. Zombies game.

Cheers, You are ready to play Plant vs. Zombies game on your Pc.

Frequently Asked Questions:

These are the frequently asked questions that the players were asking. Hoping these will help you to gain an advantage in your game.

  • How to unlock Zombatar in Plant vs. Zombies?

It is not so much challenging to unlock Zombatar in Plant vs. Zombies as when you open the game- you will see at the top left corner of the screen Zombatar from there you can unlock Zombatar.

  • Is it possible to get every minigame and every item in Plants vs. Zombies without paying real money?

Paying is your choice, and it is not compulsory- if you want to get additional power-ups and level progressions, you may think of it. You can even get all the things without paying a thing through content on the map.

  • What is the fastest way to make money in Plant vs. Zombies?

If you wish to make fast money in the game, then you should upgrade to the magnet mushroom so you can easily attract coins in the game with lots of fun and adventure.

Final Words:

Hoping you get all the necessary information regarding Plant vs. Zombies game, and you are ready for the new experience.

Do share it with your friends if you find the article useful. If you have any suggestions or queries, let us know in the comment section, and we will get back to you. Furthermore, if you want, we should write in any other game, let us know.