The forest cheats are the real fun when you want to win a shooting game without spending a single penny on tools and features. The roleplay shooting game is real fun nowadays. As you know whichever shooting game you select, those are free to an extent. If you are addicted to playing the game for longer hours than these cheats will be really helpful to you.
They not only help you in activating a few features free of cost, rather it helps in defeating your enemy easily. These cheats can only be applied in PS4 or PC games. We will make a list of a few important cheats which will really help you in conquering the enemy much faster.
Usage of cheats: –
When we say cheats, these are a few codes that we can implement in the game to make it easier or more complicated. Now, let me tell you, how to activate these cheats in your game. You need to input them by typing on the keyboard. Once you type these cheats, you won’t get any notification for it.
These cheats will activate instantly and you can enjoy playing with it as soon as you hit the enter key after input it. You might be thinking of how to add the forest cheats for PS4, let me tell you, you need to connect USB keyboard for that.
By connecting keyboard you will be able to type the cheat codes and it will be activated in PS4 as well. You can enjoy the cheat code game in your PS4 as well as your PC. I want to repeat here once again that you won’t get a notification in PS4 as well when these codes will activate.
If you want to de-activate any of the implemented code than you need to close the game and restart it again. You can’t de-activate the code once it is active.
Let me now come to the point and make a list of cheats and their working as: –
If you want to toggle your console, you can use Z however, you can use F1 to switch it on or off.
- To get to the previous commands, press up or down key while pressing Z.
- And use the left or right key to make a change in the command.
- To check the stats you need to press C and you can use F3 to switch it on or off.
- You want to check the status of console log in then you need to press X and F2 to switch it on or off.
These are the very basic commands for the game console and you need to hit enter key to compile the command.
Let’s make a list of some more cheat codes which you can use in the game: –
- Cutdowntrees 10
- Cutgrass 10
- Forcerain heavy/ medium/ cloud/ light
- Buildhack ON/ Buildhack OFF
- Runfast ON/ OFF
- Profilersample ON/OFF
- WSscaling ON/OFF
- Setplayerbody 0/1/2: 0 is for Caucasian, 1 is for African American, 2 is for Latino.
- Growgrass including Radius, grassamount, grasslayer
- Sendmessageto: – (tagetName) (message) will send a message to the person whose name you will mention in the target name.
- Setlayerculldistance: – (LayerName) (Distance) will bring unknown changes, layer/ object in the game will be spawning at a certain distance.
- Toggleplayerstats: – you can check stats using F3 as well.
- Toggleoverlay
- Setdrawdistance 0/1/2/3/4/5
- Setshadowlevel 0/1/2/3/4
- Unloadunusedassets
- Userigidbodyprotection ON/ OFF
- Gccollect
- Placeallghosts
- Dumplobbyinfo
- Clearsaveslots sp 1/2/3/4/5
- Clearsaveslot mp 1/2/3/4/5
- Clearsaveslot all
- Resetstatsandachievements
- Clearallsettings
- Destroy
- Disablego
- enablego
- Diagenderers
- Inspectgo
- Goto light
- Goto artifact
- Goto controlscreen
- Goto blocklock
- Goto snow
- Goto passangerplane
- Goto projector
- Goto shutdown
- Goto cave1 to cave6
- Goto sinkhole
- Goto ocean
- Goto yacht
- Goto door
- Goto geeselake
- Spawnmutantfemale_skinny
- Goto cross
- Goto boat
- Goto hull
- Spawnallpickups
- Addallitems
- Addallstoryitems
- Spawnmutantmale_skinny
- Removeallitems
- Removeallstoryitems
- Spawnpaintedfamily
- Astar ON/ OFF: – is for highlight path to find enemies, they will walk into cliff, walls, water, etc.
- Spawnskinnyfamily
- Spawnregularfamily
- Spawnskinnedfamily
- Spawnmutantskinny_pale
- Spawnmutant girl
- Spawnmutant female
- Spawnmutant male
- Spawnmutant armsy
- Spawnmutant fireman
- Spawnmutant baby
- Spawnmutant worm
- Spawnmutant pale
- Spawnmutant fat
- Spawnmutant vags
- Killallenemies
- Killendboss
- Enemies ON/ OFF
- Veganmode ON/ OFF
- Knockdownclosestenemy
- Resetallenemies
- Killallanimals
- Spawnanimalquiet
- Spawnanimal tortoise
- Spawnanimal boar
- Spawnanimal lizard
- Spawnanimal squirrel
- Spawnanimal rabbit
- Spawnanimal raccoon
- Spawnanimal turtle
- Spawnanimal crocodile
We have helped you with a long list of cheats using which you can win the game. Now let me tell you about the working of these cheats. From 1 to 17 all the listed cheats are to make environmental changes in the forest cheat game.Cheat code starts with GOTO is to make the change in the location in the game.
Cheat code starts with spawnmutant is being used to mutant enemies
From 71-76 are to cheat with the enemies in the game.
From 77-84 are to make a change about animals in the game.
I have mentioned cheat codes along with the details of those cheats. I have listed all the cheat codes as per my personal experience. If you have any issue regarding the cheat code or implementation of these codes, then you can comment here. I would love to hear from you and help you if needed.
These codes work similarly in the forest cheat PS4 and PC. There is no such difference in it. Must have is USB keyboard plugged in so that you can type in and hit enter for implementation.
Conclusion: –
I have made a long list of the cheat sheet for the forest cheat game. You can share with us if I have missed anyone which you know apart from all the mentioned above.