No More History! 3 ways to start the year with a digital clean slate !

Following is a New Year’s resolution for 2018: de-clutter your history. Your computer stores a large amount of data as History that is surfing, and in most places that you may never need to look. This chronology makes you vulnerable to promotion trackers and snoops. The solution: remove it. Let’s start this new year as digital clean slate.

Here are 3 strategies to cover your tracks, using two of the services online. You could surprised, you followed by these businesses, but you could be even more surprised just how much control you’ve got over it. At the end of the article, do not miss to erase your search history.

1. Erase Your Google Search History Start digital clean slate.


Google’s mission is to understand and know everything, so several surprised that the world search engine retains records of your history. This might seem harmless at first: Your computer remembers so it is more easy to get them on, right? What is the big deal?

But here is another way all you have ever hunted is known by The technology giant. The company archive, not just but in its databases in case you’ve got a Google account. You can not simply erase your search history. All is still known by Google.

Talking of tracking people are oblivious your location is also tracked by Google. Where and if you select a map you are able to see.

The fantastic thing is that that info can be deleted by you, and you do not need to storm the Googleplex headquarters to perform it. Alternatively, you can clean your history from the comfort of your own personal computer, as a result of a little feature known as “My Activity.”

Google has tons of attributes that are basic, and this alternative would never be noticed by people. But if you click on My Account in the top right corner, then you are able to hit My Activity > Delete Activity By. A box will appear, and you may alter the Publish to All Time by Date area. You have the option to remove this data, although Google takes pains to remind you your search document is. So be digital clean slate.

2. Erase Your Facebook Search History

Can you believe that Facebook retains the same sort of data at Google? If anything is personal, such as nightclubs and pastimes, because of the tidbits we discuss with our social network.

Facebook mines when you have looked an ex or a neighbor up. That information is fully available if your accounts accessed by someone by accident.

Facebook tracks where you’re logged in,  You can erase that. Facebook tracks photographs for you. You can review all the photos tagged with you and every activity.

You may wipe your Facebook search history away . To clean hunts that are past, log into Facebook and then visit the triangle at the corner. Click on Activity Log. The Activity Log is where your activities are tracked by Facebook .

In the left column of This Activity Log, below Opinions, Likes and Photos, Click the link. Scroll down and click on the Search link. Here you will see a list of every Facebook search you’ve ever produced. By clicking the crossed-circle icon on the right searches can clear separately.

Click Remove in the box which appears. Click on the Clear Searches link located in the top-right of the listing, to clean every search. And now you are digital clean slate.

3. Use a Covert Search Engines

Google has hundreds of millions of hunters around the world, along with the organization’s name is now synonymous with “finding advice.” But keep in mind, you do not need to use Google, and there are ways.

DuckDuckGo has a mission to keep users’ information confidential and to prevent personalized search results. The search engine contains Nifty calculators and tricks, and you are able to customize its interface using search menus along with an immediate result feature.

You may taken aback by the standard of Replies, which rivals Google’s Knowledge Graph. You can make DuckDuckGo a extension of your browser and trigger privacy preferences to keep your search history as protected as possible

Ixquick calls itself the world’s most search site that is private. Ixquick does not record your IP address, browser info or hunt history. The real magic of Ixquick is its own “search by proxy” feature. It follows that websites have no clue what IP address you are using. As a client browsing their webpages, you’re basically invisible. This feature does have the capability to slow down your hunts, but that is going to be a small cost to cover people who give their privacy priority. Again digital clean slate.

Bonus: Keep Your Browsing History Private on Your Phone

Surfing the internet can leave a great deal of breadcrumbs, but many men and women are more cavalier about their telephones. So media, banking, and much correspondence flow during the smartphone, and a lot of the information monitored.

You’re collecting a huge variety of temporary files and cookies, and these are represented. These advertisements say a lot about your history, and they are visible.
So how can your history clear and secure your privacy going? That depends. Below are the steps for you, based upon the variant of the browser you are using and device but they might be a tad different.


•    Open Settings
•    Tap Safari
•    Scroll down and select Clear History and Website Data
•    Tap Clear History and Data to confirm

Google Chrome

•    Open Google Chrome
•    Open Settings
•    Tap Privacy > History
•    Tap Clear on-device History
•    Clear on-device History to confirm


•    Tap the hamburger menu at the bottom of the page
•    Tap Settings
•    Go to Clear Private Data
•    Select items you want to delete
•    Tap Clear Private Data again – this will generate a pop-up menu warning that this action can’t undone
•    Tap OK to confirm


•    Tap the red “O” at the bottom of the browser
•    Tap Settings
•    Go to Clear. You can clear specific items like cookies or saved passwords, or you can Clear All
•    Tap Yes to confirm