Download KIK messenger for PC Windows (7, 8 & 10) free

Things have changed drastically due to the advancement of technology. We used to write a letter to convey your messages to our friends and relatives in olden times. After that landline phones came into the mainstream. A few years ago we started using mobile phones and with these gadgets, lots of instant messaging apps came into limelight. Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Viber etc are widely used social messaging apps but KIK Messenger for PC is the latest term.

Everyone wants to be up to date and if you don’t want to stay behind then you must try Kik Messenger on your Window device. KIK is one of the latest messaging app developed by KIK Interactive and if you want to download it for PC then you have reached the exact page.

Here I will give you the appropriate understanding of Kik for PC and how to download and install KIK messenger on your window device.

How to download KIK Messenger for PC and Windows 7,8,10
Download KIK messenger for PC Windows (7, 8 & 10) free

What is KIK Messenger?

Let’s discuss KIK the dominating app of Whatsapp and Instagram. As you know you have to register your phone number to use any instant messaging app but it is the old term. KIK comes with the modern concept and you just need to register with your email ID for making an account on KIK. This is one of the best features of this advanced messaging app. You can share pictures, videos, text messages, web pages and much more with KIK.

Kik Messager for PC: Best Features

  • After accessing the KIK for your PC you can access any web page within the app. You don’t require to open any other browser tab at the time of chatting.
  • You can make your profile on KIK and add your desired photo.
  • You will get the live typing feature it enables you to check the typing status of the person you are chatting with. You also get the delivery status of your text.
  • You can customize your chats according to your taste by adding different colors.
  • Whenever you convey or receive any message you will get notification just like other apps.
  • One of the best features of the modern messaging app is that you can make video calls also.
  • You can invite your close ones to join the KIK easily.
  • Every KIK user has a specific KIK code and with this code, you can add other users.
  • Suppose none of your friends is online and you are getting bored then Kik bots are here to chat with you. Amazing na!

How to download KIK Messenger for PC and Windows 7,8,10: Step by step guide

Kik is developed for Android and iOS devices and if you want to download KIK for PC then you have to install Android Emulator first. I recommend Bluestacks as it is one of the best emulators out there. You have to follow these steps to download and Install KIK for windows 7, 8, 10:

  • First of all, go to the official page of Bluestacks and Download Bluestacks with the given link.
  • After finishing the downloading process install it on your PC.
  • Then log in with your  Gmail account.
  • Now type KIK Messenger in the search tab.
  • After getting the app tap on the install button.
  • After installing the app find it in my apps tab and open it.
  • Finally, create your account with your email ID and use the modern features of KIK.

Bottom lines

Hey, are you ready to adopt the modern term of instant messaging then hurry up and download the KIK for PC? Hope now you are fully aware of KIK and also its downloading and installation process. In case you have any query regarding Kik then let me know below in the comment section. I will satisfy your query as soon as possible. For more updates stay connected and keep reading.