Why Ham Radio is considered the Ancestor of the Internet?

HAM Radio By Dan Kihato

Before we start wowing over the resurgence of ham radio, we need to understand that the concept has been around since the dawn of radio-based communications.

While the bandwagon started with simple wireless modules, amateur radio quickly evolved into something far more important, especially as a socially relevant resource. Something happened in 2017 that I don’t think anyone expected.

Ham radio, or as I grew up calling it, CB radio, and other short-range radio transmitters became something of a cool thing to do, and much like those ubiquitous keychains back in the day, everyone wanted to have “one of those.” That said, it is going to take more than a few channels to get ham radio on par with other forms of social media.

The Inception

The first wireless communication was observed in 1864 between a lighthouse and a ship. The ship was stationed at a distance of about 10 kilometers from the shore.

A message sent by radio waves was received by the antennae, which translated it into Morse code and signaled the message to the station.

Up until the second half of the 20th century, wireless telegraphy meant using a pair of antennas – one at a transmitting station and another at a receiving station which were connected by wires. It is worth mentioning that this form of communication was used in the First World War and it achieved important strategic goals – it became easier for armies to communicate with each other.

While the intricacies surrounding the First World War halted the progress of Ham Radio as the go-to mode of communication for a short period, the popularity and functionality made it reappear in 1919.

Since then, the concept of amateur radio has been around, with evolutions come along the way. While in 1947 we saw the allocation of the 10-meter band, the better part of the 1950s was about the pioneered usage of the single-sideband for modulation.

However, the 21st century and the threats concerning the pandemic made us realize why ham radio was actually considered the ancestor of the internet. Keeping the timelines aside, amateur radio, even in 2020 allowed us to keep in touch with our loved ones even when internet connectivity or even phone-based usage wasn’t an option.

How the HAM Radio Works and Why it’s Need of Today?

Think about it- you are talking without need of internet. Here is a video which will give you complete details on ham radio, how it works, and how many ham operators are still available all over the world.

This shows the potency of radio communications and the precedence of the same when compared to the internet. Therefore, it is advisable to connect with a credible online ham radio shop, for example, Walcott radio, and get hold of some equipment to experience the benefits, first hand.

HAM radio (or amateur radio), the community that has helped keep communication working during natural disasters, will look to do the same during Covid 19 lockdowns.

Ham radio operators have a history of assisting in emergency communications on national and local levels, including hurricanes Harvey and Katrina.

During the pandemic, ham operators will be able to communicate with each other at all times, providing reliable, direct-to-home or business links in any condition. Operators need only maintain power and connectivity to use them