Igameguardian is a game hacking tools available on the internet. And it is one of the most popular ones as well because its developer gave it a user-friendly interface so that it makes it quite easy to hack any game you want through it.
So, if you want to give it a go follow these steps below and you are all good to go and can enjoy igameguardian to its full potential.
How to download and install igameguardian in the latest iOS version with Jailbreak
Here we are going to talk about how to download and install the latest version of igameguardian in the new and latest iOS version that is the iOS 11. This tutorial will require a Jailbreak called Electra Jailbreak one of the most used iOS 11 jailbreaks. This tutorial will only work if you have an Electra jailbroken device with you.
So, once you have got your device jailbroken with Electra you must install Cydia this is a package manager mobile app that allows us to install software packages into a jailbroken device. Once you have both these requirements met, all you have to do is follow the steps given below to download igameguardian.
1. Once you have both the requirements met, go to your Electra jailbreak device, and then head over to the Cydia app and then open it.
2. On the first page that appears, when you open Cydia, you must go to the sources tab in the bottom of the screen and click on it.
3. In sources, you have to click on edit in the top right corner of the screen.
4. And then click on Add when it appears on the top left corner of the screen.
5. This will pop up an entry field where you must type in http://aquawu.github.io/igg/. And then click on Add source and this repo file should be there in the list of sources. It will be titled iGG, and before you click on it, you must click on refresh first, situated on the top left corner of the screen.
6. After refreshing click on iGG and when a page opens up, click on “utils.”
7. And there you will see igameguardian and click on it.
8. And since igameguardian is a paid device now you will have to visit the website igg-server.herokuapp.com.
8. You will have to pay $3 for the app for one device and be sure to read every terms and condition and the details given on the website and also you will have to pay through PayPal.
9. Once you buy the app you will have to enter your PayPal transaction ID and Wi-Fi MAC address and Bluetooth MAC address and e-mail. When you give your MAC, address give them for the device that you want to have igameguardian in and then only proceed. And be extra careful when giving these details and don’t make a mistake and also you can get your Wi-Fi MAC address and Bluetooth MAC address in the settings, under General, and in About Us.
10. And after that click on Register it and follow the steps to install. And after it is installed you have to respring your device.
11. After this go back to Cydia, go to sources, refresh it, and then go to iGG and then “utils”.
12. Here click on igameguardian and then click on Modify or Install on the top right corner and then Install it or Reinstall it into your device.
This will take a few minutes for the whole process to work and after this, you should have the igameguardian installed on your device. This is how you can install and download igameguardian into your Electra jailbreak device which has the latest iOS.
How to download and install igameguardian in the latest iOS version without Jailbreak
There is no actual and tested way to download and install igameguardian without Jailbreak to your new iOS 11 device or the latest iOS version.
This was possible before, and that was when the app igameguardian was for free. But now the developer of igameguardian has made it paid and so it is not possible to get it without jailbreaking your device.
The game hacking tool igameguardian is an absolutely wonderful app, and you have to pay $3 to get it for one device and also reports and users all say it is totally worth the $3 that they spent on it. But to jailbreak a device is an enormously big decision as you will be bypassing all your security protocols, and this makes your device more vulnerable.
No matter which decision you take, you can get the app for your latest iOS version. By following the above steps, you can be sure it is worth every penny and also if your big fan of hacking games. it is totally worth jailbreaking as well, just don’t keep any classified information or data on this device.