Keeping your Discord server safe is very important.
One way to do this is by managing roles. In this guide, I’ll show you how to lock and unlock roles on Discord. This will help you take good care of your server and allow you to make changes easily.
Let’s get started –
How to Lock Roles on Discord?
Here’s a step-by-step guide to “lock” roles on Discord:
- Open Discord on your desktop or mobile device and navigate to the server where you want to lock the roles.
- Go to ‘Server Settings.
- Scroll down to ‘Roles’ and select the role you want to manage.
- From here, you can adjust the permissions of the role. You can disable the ‘Manage Roles’ permissions for the roles you want to lock, thus preventing any other users with this role from editing these roles.
- Save your changes.
This process applies to both Discord’s website and app platforms.
The hierarchy of roles is based on the role positions on the control panel. Roles higher in the list will apply their permissions to those lower in the list.
How to Edit an Existing Locked Role on Discord?
After locking discord roles, if you want to once again unlock it, you should follow these steps –
- Open Discord on your device and navigate to the server where you want to adjust the role permissions.
- Access the ‘Server Settings’.
- Choose ‘Roles’ from the options on the left side.
- Click on the specific role you want to unlock.
- Under the settings for that role, find and toggle on the option to ‘Manage Roles’.
- Save your changes.
How to Make a Role Private on Discord?
Making a role private on Discord involves creating a role-exclusive channel where only members with a specific role can access it. Here’s a step-by-step process:
- Firstly, set up the role you want to be private.
- Next, you’ll want to create a new channel or select an existing one.
- Proceed to the channel settings, then under the ‘Permissions’ tab, you’ll find a list of roles and their permissions related to that channel.
- For the specific role that you want to make private, ensure that the ‘Read Text Channels & See Voice Channels’ permission is toggled on.
- For the @everyone role, toggle off the permission ‘Read Text Channels & See Voice Channels’, which makes the channel not visible to the general user base.
- Click ‘Save Changes’, and you’re done. Now, only members with the specified role will be able to access this channel, effectively making that role private.
To wrap it up, locking and unlocking roles in Discord is a piece of cake once you know how to do it.
By learning these steps, you’ll be able to keep your server organized and safe and have more flexibility in dealing with roles.
Use these tips to spice up your Discord server and make it a great place for your friends! So go ahead, dive right in, and take control of your server!