Minecraft: Story Mode is an episodic point-and-click narrative-driven graphic adventure video game released in October 2015 across multiple platforms with a Windows 10 release on December 16, 2015, a Wii U release on January 21, 2016, an Apple TV release on August 24, 2016, and a Nintendo Switch release on August 22, 2017. It currently has 13 episodes in three episode packs: Season Pass (Season 1), the Adventure Pass, and Minecraft Story Mode Season 2.

Minecraft Story Mode Season 2: What is it All About?
Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 revolves around a story based in the well-known world of Minecraft, where the setting may vary from the Nether, the End, the Far Lands to various other dimensions. As a female/male character called “Jesse”, the players solve puzzles, fight zombies, and talk to other characters to progress the plot of the video game. Conversations are facilitated by making the players choose from a set of multiple potential responses that each have consequences for the story and relationships in the game.
Published by Telltale Games, the famous American video game developer, in collaboration with Mojang AB in October 2016, it operates in a similar manner like the other famous episodic adventure games introduced by the developer prior to Minecraft.
Examples: The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Batman and Guardians of the Galaxy. Based on the sandbox video game “Minecraft,” TellTale Games introduced a more narrative-directed approach which diverged from the standard adventure game “point and click” gameplay, after the overwhelmingly positive response they received for The Walking Dead.
The action being played out with quick-time events, players can collect items, solve puzzles, and talk to non-player characters through conversation trees to learn about the plot and determine what to do next. Decisions that the player makes affect events in both the current episode and later episodes.
The plot commences with Jesse, Axel, and Olivia along with their pet pig Reuben, going to the EnderCon building competition, which they lose every year to a rival team called the Ocelots. In process of the various clashes, it is revealed that Wither, a dangerous monster, has been created using the power of the command block.
At this point of time, the story commences into a full-fledged adventure as Jesse and their group of friends, set out to find a group of four adventurers called The Order of the Stone, a group of legendary heroes who have slayed an Ender Dragon, in order to save the world from oblivion.
Each member of the Order is the best at what they do, and represents a different kind of Minecraft player: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Grief-er, and Architect, and the purpose is to find them before the monster destroys them and the world as we know it.
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Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 – The Review
Season two of Minecraft picks up where the last one left off. Even after completing their mission, there are many more worlds in need of their help, like a city in the sky where building is forbidden, a grand mansion with a murderer on the loose, a town in the Mesa where artificial intelligence has taken over everything and everyone, and a series of gladiatorial games that result in deadly outcomes.
The first game’s protagonist Jesse and friends have successfully defeated the rampaging Wither Storm, restoring peace to the blocky world of Minecraft. Having completed their journey from zeroes to heroes, the gang now finds its desire for adventure to be increasingly at odds with the newfound responsibilities with being respected leaders in their community. Jesse is particularly busy as the founder and mayor of Beacon Town.
Final Words
Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 engages with themes of friendship, survival, and creativity. With professional voice acting and musical score, there is considerable substance to the experience. The developers aimed to combine the feel of The Goonies, Ghostbusters and Pixar films. The resulting adventure is appropriate for a similarly aged audience.
On June 13th, 2018, Telltale Games announced that they were joining with Netflix to create an interactive TV series dedicated to Minecraft Story Mode. Because of the organizational restructuring going on, Season 3 of Minecraft has been canceled for time being and will be released, only if the company surfaces through the crisis smoothly and efficiently.