What User’s Say About The Game | Roll The Ball Reviews

roll the ball

The roll and ball is very much simple yet addictive game. The game is the fusion of ball and the pipes with tiles. As the name goes, it is all about the balls and the rolls. The roll and ball game is very simple to play. Without any guidelines, you can easily crack the basic levels. Yet the game is very engaging to play and pass your time.

Roll The Ball Reviews

  1. “Perhaps it’s just me, but my biggest complaint with Roll the Ball would be that none of the puzzles — save for where carry-mode is concerned — generally ever seemed to be all that hard. Though — to be fair — I should point out that there’s a veritable-ton of puzzles available for each mode, so there’s certainly room for things to eventually ramp themselves up to a more suitable difficulty. That said — depending on how much fun people have with the lower-levels — it’s just as likely they’ll never reach the deeper-portions of any given mode, since all of those puzzles must be played explicitly in order.”

2. “But hey, at least there’s no pay-to-skip option — as some other mobile-games would’ve all-too-happily included — meaning these early-levels, even if they are a bit on the simplistic side, weren’t included as part of any duplicitous-intent on BitMango’s part.”

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3. “With a omnipresent banner-ad always being displayed at the bottom of your Device’s screen (thankfully this placement makes it easy to avoid accidental-collisions). There will additionally be video-ads that automatically play themselves after a handful of levels have been solved, but thankfully these never once managed to crash my iPod Touch 5. Finally — yet no less importantly — there are video-ads that one may electively watch in order to receive a free-hint regarding the current-puzzle’s optimum-path, although these hints — which may be stockpiled until needed — are also earnable via other methods.”

4. “I really just wish there were means to start deeper within Roll the Ball’s challenges, as those early tables — ranging from 4×4 to 5×5 in size — comprise the chief-most issue holding this back for me (but your personal mileage may vary in regards to difficulty). Should you be willing to slog through the early tables — or perhaps simply don’t agree with my personal difficulty assessments — then it’s rather likely you’ll enjoy Roll the Ball, which is otherwise quite well made. After all, you could easily do far worse than BitMango’s Roll the Ball — which definitely contains more than just one puzzle — should you be looking for something free to play during your next lunch-break.”

These are the game reviews, both good and bad, depending upon the user experience. Taken from ifanzine.com. 

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Roll the ball online game can be of more fun when played with simplicity. The players should not be expecting any thrill or unpredictable threat in the game. Roll the ball game is purely meant to pass your time with fun. If anyone is already playing this game then share your experience with us.