Visual Branding: Tips to Successfully Create a Brand Identity


Brand identity is a broad term because it involves a fusion of logo, infographic style, color palette and much more. A brand identity becomes outward expression of your business, such as name, visual appearance, communications and trademark. With a unique character, you can differentiate your business from competition and encourage people to engage with your company. For a successful and thriving brand, pay attention to its identity. This procedure needs time, strategic planning and professional assistance. Branding agencies around the world specialize in developing and launching brands. Here are some ideas of visual branding to create a brand identity.


Consistent Branding Across Social Media

Companies are making a significant blunder by staying inconsistent across social media platforms while branding their business. You can share different content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, but keep their look consistent. Make sure to use similar logos, cover photo and profile pictures on each platform. Keep colors similar to make it easy for your followers to recognize you.

Recognize Your Audience

For a successful visual brand identity, you have to define your audience in the first step. Without knowing your audience, you can’t understand their preferences. Before working on the integrity of your brand, you have to follow the choices of your audience. Pay attention to education level, occupation, marital status, income, location, gender, and age.

Depending on the products and services, this information will be helpful in defining ethnicity. For instance, to sell chemical relaxers for hair, you have to target your specific ethnicity. If you have health products, pay attention to the audience of your competitor on social media. Check their responses and identify their lifestyle.

Offer Value to Customers

Use social media platforms to convey the value of products to customers. Before demonstrating your customers, you have to understand the difference between your products and similar products on the market. Do you have something special that lack in other products?

For instance, life coach targets overworked mothers who are curious about their future. You have to choose particular strategies to present your brand in a friendly manner. Dedicate a special section of your site to feedback and recommendations of satisfied clients. By adding a photo, you can increase the authenticity of these testimonials.

Visualize Personality of Your Brand

After understanding your audience and benefits of your products for your audience, you have to think about “how.” Do you have some plans for the visual presentation of your brand? Some brands find it challenging to express the personality of their brand without personal interaction. It is not easy to create a face for your brand because there are some online barriers. You can’t depend on text-only messages to persuade your audience.

Use visual references to give a distinctive tone to your words. Play with images, colors schemes and photo filters to create a human face of your brand. Hire professional branding services to give a unique face to your brand.