Adobe Lightroom Download for Android and IOS

Adobe Lightroom

Adobe Lightroom image editing app is a popular product by Adobe for mobile users. This app is also called Lightroom CC because of its Creative Cloud feature. The app has powerful editing tools and advanced features just like Adobe Photoshop.

The best part is not just professionals even a newbie can take benefit of the simplicity of this app. Their Auto edit feature is available for anyone who is not familiar with Photoshop and its tools.

This app works with RAW images and doesn’t compromise with the picture quality. Lightroom works flawlessly on any mobile device even with low hardware specifications being better optimized.

Adobe Lightroom Download

Adobe Lightroom For Android

Download From Play Store

Download APK File (80mb)

Adobe Lightroom For IOS

Download For IOS

Features of Adobe Lightroom

  1. RAW Images: Raw images are high-quality images that are large and uncompressed. There are very few Image editing apps in the market that supports RAW images. Lightroom gives you the freedom to edit RAW images on your mobile device.
  2. Cloud Storage: Lightroom app let you store your data on Adobe Cloud Storage. This saves your device storage space and you can access these images anytime you want.
  3. Pro-editing capabilities: When it comes to editing capabilities then the lightroom app is not less than complete Adobe Photoshop PC version. Just like Photoshop, you can adjust everything like contrast, exposure, highlights, color temperature, colors, tint, shadows, noise reduction, crop features, and much more. When we talk about pro-editing capabilities then you have healing brushes, selective adjustments, gradients, perspective control features, and more on your handsets.
  4. Flawless performance: When we talk about performance then Adobe Lightroom never lets you down. The app comes with sturdy software that doesn’t compromise with the performance of your mobile phone. Lightroom does smooth processing even on less powered devices.
  5. Collective editing: Lightroom collective editing feature can help you to edit photos collectively on similar photographs. Some photographs have similar appeal and clicked in the same lighting conditions. After editing one you copy the edits and paste on all pictures. This will save you precious time editing similar pictures again.
  6. In-built Camera: This app comes with an in-built camera. You can use this camera if you are comfortable to click pictures in manual mode. If your device doesn’t support manual camera mode then this feature not work on your phone.
  7. Share photos instantly: After editing photos on the lightroom, you can directly share these photos on social media and with your friends. There is no need to export these pictures on your devices first as these pictures are already saved in the Cloud.


Q: Can I use it for free or are there any fees for Adobe Lightroom?

Adobe Lightroom is available as both paid and free versions. You can use almost all the features in the free version as well. There is no difference in both of them on the basis of features and functionality. However, if you opt for the paid version then you can avail 1 TB of cloud storage by just paying $9.99 per month.

System requirements Adobe Lightroom for Android and iOS

You need to have iOS 12.0 or above to download and access this app on your mobile device.

And for Android mobile devices, you need to have a minimum of Android 8.0 and above.

Remarkable Best Free Photo Editing Apps for Android and Ios


Above listed are all the details about Adobe Lightroom download for Android and iOs. However, if you want to explore other available apps than you can check Top 20 remarkable best free photo editing apps for Android and iOS. In the above-detailed article, if you are facing any issue, you can let us know and will definitely help you resolve it. Any kind of suggestions and feedback is always welcome.