BitLife: What is Pixie Dust and How to Get It?

Pixie Dust in Bitlife

BitLife, the popular life game, has recently added a fun new thing to its store: Pixie Dust.

This special new item lets players go on amazing trips to fictional and mythical destinations. Let’s look at the details of this fun addition to the game.

What is Pixie Dust?

Pixie Dust is a free item available in the BitLife store. Shown as pink powder, this magical substance unlocks the “Fantasy Vacation” activity within the game. Once claimed, players can use this feature forever, adding a new part to their virtual lives.

How to Get Pixie Dust

Getting your hands on Pixie Dust is simple and, best of all, free:

  1. Update your BitLife app to the newest version
  2. Open the BitLife store
  3. Look for the “Pixie Dust” item
  4. Claim your free “bit of Pixie Dust”

What Does Pixie Dust Do?

After claiming your Pixie Dust, you’ll be able to plan fantasy vacations. This new activity can be found under the “Vacation” tab in the game. When you choose “Plan a Fantasy Vacation,” you’ll see many amazing places to pick from.

Fantasy Destinations

Here’s an impressive list of fictional and mythical locations you can visit:

  • Winterfell (from Game of Thrones)
  • Valhalla (Norse mythology)
  • Extraterrestrial Highway
  • The Shire (from The Lord of the Rings)
  • El Dorado
  • Jurassic Park
  • Mount Olympus
  • Atlantis
  • Library of Alexandria
  • Mammoth Cave
  • Avalon
  • Narnia
  • Hogsmeade (from Harry Potter)

This varied list includes places from different stories, myths, and even some real-world locations with magical connections.

The Vacation Experience

While the fantasy vacation feature adds an exciting new part to BitLife, it seems that the actual vacation experience is similar to regular vacations in the game. You might even face typical travel problems, such as lost luggage, and will need to make choices accordingly.

Moreover, the addition of Pixie Dust and fantasy vacations has made us wonder about possible future changes in BitLife. All I hope is that this might lead us to a full “Fantasy Life” mode, which would let players live their lives in these fictional worlds.

While Pixie Dust is now free, it’s not clear if this offer will last forever. So, it’s best if you claim your Pixie Dust for free right away to make sure you don’t miss out on this magical opportunity.


Adding Pixie Dust to BitLife brings a touch of magic and fun to the life simulation game. By letting you vacation in fantasy places, BitLife has expanded its gameplay options and tapped into our imagination.

Whether this is a standalone feature or a hint at future expansions, it’s certainly an exciting development for us BitLife fans.

So, don’t wait!

Update your BitLife app, claim your free Pixie Dust, and start planning your dream vacation in this fictional world. In addition to that, if you want to create an evil character in Bitlife, here’s how you can do that.