Discord Slow Mode – How To Turn It On And Off ? [2021]

Discord Slow Mode

You all must have heard that Discord was created for gamers to communicate with each other, but it is not true. And why am I saying this, you will get to know about it very soon.

Was discord created for gamers or not, is not the main topic of this article. I am here to tell you guys about the Discord Slow Mode feature. What is this discord slow mode? How to turn it on or off?

If you want to know about the best themes of discord do read: Discord Themes: 10 Best Better Discord Themes [2021]

What is Discord Slow Mode?

If you are someone whose server is full of active users and they all love to take part in the discussion, it is pretty aggravating, but at the same time, you are getting a hell of a lot of messages popping up on your screen.

And now, all these messages are teasing your eyes and giving you a headache, Discord Slow Mode can release you from your pain.

Discord Slow Mode - How To Turn It On And Off ? [2021]

Receiving a lot of messages is nothing compare to the discord screen share not working issue.

What does Discord Slow Mode Do?

Slow mode limits the number of messages a channel can receive. You can set the time period for how much time you are putting your channel on slow mode.

How to turn discord slow mode on or off, well, we will talk about it, but that

I thought, I should tell you guys a little bit about, how discord was created? and for what purpose?


Discord follows the rules of digital distribution, voice over internet protocol (VoIP), and instant messaging.

A place where users can join a server, they got access to, and communicate with each other via voice notes, simple text messages, video chats, or one on one voice calls, and video calls.

I’ve read many articles where discord was called the Social gaming platform, which now is used by a wide range of people. Many people assume that the developers of Discord created it with the thought of providing a social platform for gamers.

But let me tell you guys, that wasn’t the real deal. If you want to find out what was the real purpose which gave the birth of the idea to create discord, read this article carefully.

History of Discord

Have you heard the name Jason Citron and Stanislav Vishnevsky, they were the creators of two different social gaming platforms for mobile gamers: Open Faith and Guildwork.

Open Faith was founded by Jason Citron, in 2011 Open Faith was sold to GREE (a Japanese social networking service) for one hundred and four US dollars. He sold Open Faith to open his own game development studio ‘Hammer & Chisel’.

Stanislav Vishnevsky is a childhood friend of Jason Citron. He founded the Guildwork, I don’t know a lot about this project, but I guess it is not a successful one, as there is no information found about it.

Jason Citron founded Hammer & Chisel in the year 2012, alongside his friend Stanislav Vishnevsky (don’t know the role of Stanislav Vishnevsky in Hammer & Chisel).

The first game which launched under the name of Hammer & Chisel was ‘Fates Forever’ released in the year 2014, the game was not a commercial success.

Fates Forever was launched for mobile and were supposed to be the first Multiplayer online battle arena game for mobile platforms. Why am I telling you guys about these games and all, what about discord?

Well, now I am coming to,

How and why discord was created?

While developing the game, Jason Citron noticed all the difficulties faced by his team, they were not able to communicate properly using the available voice-over-internet protocol software.

And that is when Jason Citron thought of creating a chat server with a simple user interface, which creates no communication gap.

In an interview, Jason Citron said that when Discord was developed, they were not targeting any specific audience. But after the launch of Discord, in no time a lot of gaming-related IRC (Internet Relay Chat) was switched to Discord links. Many Esports titles and LAN tournament gamers were using Discord.

Right now, according to the official description of Discord, It was created to solve the worldwide problem of gamers: how to communicate with your friends while you are playing a game online.

Well, I told you guys what Jason Citron said when he was asked about his target audience.

I took a lot of your time discussing the history of discord and why and how it was created. But now let’s come to the main point How to turn on or off the discord slow mode?

How to turn Enable Discord Slow Mode?

Remember, discord slow mode is a channel-wise feature. So, if you want to put slow mode on all your channels, you have to do it one by one.

Coming to the steps to set up discord slow mode:

  • Click on the cog icon, located on the right of your channel name.https://knpr.org/npr-tags/jason-citron
  • You will then navigate to the Overview window.
  • You will see the Slow Mode option, and a scale beneath it showing the time intervals.https://knpr.org/npr-tags/jason-citron
  • Set the time, for how long you want to put your channel on slow mode.
  • Click on save changes from the pop-up.

How to Enable Discord Slow Mode on Mobile?

  • Open your server, then select the channel you want put slow mode on.https://knpr.org/npr-tags/jason-citron
  • Long press on the channel, click on the edit channel option from the pop-up menu.https://knpr.org/npr-tags/jason-citron
  • You will see the Slow Mode option, and a scale beneath it showing the time intervals.
  • Set the time, for how long you want to put your channel on slow mode.https://knpr.org/npr-tags/jason-citron
  • Click on the save icon.

Is my channel on slow mode?

To confirm, look around the chatbox, you find ‘Slow mode is enabled’ written.

Discord will send a notification to all the participants of your channel, notifying them about the slow mode activation on the channel.


Note: If you want to make changes to a channel’s setting you must have the Administrator, Manage messages, Manage Channel, or Server Owner permission.

How to turn off the discord slow mode?

To turn off the discord slow mode for both PC and mobile, you just have to set the timer to null and click on save changes.

To confirm, see if ‘Slow mode is enabled’ is still written or not.

Is it Possible to Bypass Slow Mode?

I guess by now, you know how to enable & disable the slow mode.

If you’re an admin of a discord channel then that’s all great for you.

However, if you think from a user point of view, it’s rather irritating.

So, what if you want to bypass this slow mode? Is there any workaround?

Yeah, there’s is a way & that too quite an easy one.

Here’s a short video that will help you bypass the slow mode with or without managing permissions:

I hope the video helped bypass the slow mode for you. Before I go ahead,  were you able to bypass the discord slow mode using the method stated in this video?

Do let me know about this in the comments section given below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to bypass the slow mode in the Desktop version of the discord app?

No. At the moment, the above-posted method only works with the mobile version of the Discord App.

How does discord slow mode work?

When enabled, a user will only be able to send limited messages in a quick succession of time. The limitation stays until you complete the timed cooldown period.

Final words

Well, I guess I took a lot of your time. If you came this far

This article was supposed to be just about the discord slow mode, and how to turn it on and off, but I wanted to tell you guys the facts about discord I found a few weeks ago while surfing the web.

Discord slow mode is really a great feature if you want to give your channel a cooldown, there is nothing more I want to tell you guys, just go and use the feature and give a break to your channel and as well as your system.

I guess you guys liked the article, if yes pls tell me about that in the comment section.