Panspy Review: Is It Enough to Track Your Kids’ Online Activities?

Every kid has a digital device. This is the reality of the current time. And while this new world has some advantages, it also brings a lot of issues.

PanSpy is an all-in-one monitoring and controlling solution that permits you to monitor your children’s activities, even when you aren’t around Them. Its easy-to-use controls and high performance make it one of the best parental control apps.

PanSpy helps you set digital barriers on your kids to make this global a more secure place for them. PanSpy secures them from inappropriate content material like pornography or grownup content material via blocking websites or apps remotely, without letting your kids know about this monitoring. In addition, PanSpy helps you set digital barriers for your kids to make this global a more secure location for them.

With PanSpy, you can monitor your kids’ phone calls to begin parental control. Or you can monitor your work team to protect your business. And with its easy encryption, everyone will stay confidential while keeping track of all things necessary in their lives.

Panspy Features

Monitor Contacts & Record Calls

This panspy feature lets you access the target device’s contact list. Once you’ve got the contact list covered, monitoring and recording incoming/outgoing/missed or rejected calls becomes pretty easy.

Track Text Messages

With panspy, you can access the iMessage app on your iPhone and the Messages app on your android phone. Once you’ve installed the panspy app in the target phone, you will be able to read, send & receive messages from that device.

Note: This includes images or video attachments sent or received over SMS messages.

Monitor Social Media Usage

The panspy app monitors the social media apps installed on the target device 24/7.

Track Live Location

The Panspy app lets you track the past and present location of the device in which the panspy app is secretly installed. Once located, you can open the location in the Google Map or apple maps. Also, with this feature, you can set the geofence, and as soon as your kid leaves the preset zone, you get notified via alerts.

Monitor Internet Activity

This app makes it easy for you to keep track of your kid’s online search history. You get notified as soon as your kid searches for any 18+ websites.

Panspy Pricing Plans

The panspy app comes with a 3-day free trial model. Once the trial period is over, you can choose between these 4 available plans:

Premium Monthly

Billed at monthly pricing of $24.95, the premium monthly plan comes with relatively fewer features than the other 3 plans. This plan includes your access to Call Logs, GPS Location, Contacts, Text Messages, Photos, Apps, Calendar, App activity, Bookmarks, Videos, Screen Time, Website Filter, 24/7 support.

Ultimate Monthly

Billed at monthly pricing of $34.95, this plan comes with some additional features. The list includes access to premium monthly features plus these other features: Browser History, Call Recording, Clue, Geofencing, WiFi Logger, Email, Voice Memos, Documents, Keylogger, Capture Screenshots, WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger Lite, Snapchat, Skype, Line, Kik, Viber, Instagram, Instagram Lite, Tinder, WeChat, QQ, Hangouts, Keyword Alert.

Ultimate Quarterly

Billed at quarterly pricing of $64.95, this plan comes with every feature available with the ultimate monthly plan. The only difference is that it costs you less money than the monthly plan.

Ultimate Annual

Billed at annual pricing of $99.95, this plan costs even less than the quarterly plan. With this plan, you have to pay $8.33 per month.

Should You Consider PanSpy?

If you want an effective and accurate cell phone tracker software, then yes, you should. However, the fact is that there are many next-gen spy apps available for cell phones, but not all of them can be considered adequate (especially if you want to use them without the knowledge of your kid).

Finding a solid cell phone tracker app like PanSpy is not easy because there are so many different products on the market.

However, we know for sure that this app has been around since 2003 and that it has thousands of satisfied customers worldwide. Therefore, I recommend giving it a try as well.

The application can be installed on multiple devices with ease, and it performs tasks as simple as tracking location, reading messages, and much more. You can also follow all the websites your children visit and who they communicate with. This information can be precious, especially if you have children or employees who spend a lot online.

You should be aware that this type of software exists and that it can help you keep your family safe from dangerous situations or people.

Conclusion – Panspy Review

In the digital age, children are always connected. This means there’s a constant worry about the content their children are accessing for parents. This can be especially concerning if a child is experiencing bullying, depression, or other issues.

PanSpy aims to remove some of that worry by providing parents with insight into their children’s online activities.

Also, it offers several ways for parents to keep track of their children’s activities. For example, the app comes with pre-configured filters that allow parents to block certain types of content from appearing on their children’s devices. In addition, PanSpy will enable parents to monitor the text messages and calls sent and received by the child’s phone.

That’s all for now. If you’ve any second thoughts before buying the panspy app subscription, do let us know in the comments section below.