Do Your Imagination Match With COC New Troop Update

Hey Buddies! Every Thing is good, NA! Lots of people love to play COC game. I also love this game, it is amazing, NA! So just wait and cross your fingers and take a deep breath, I’m telling you the true news that the COC game developers recently thinking that they add townhall-12 with the new troops in the Clash Of Clans game. But the supercell does not have a plan for the announcement.

Actually most of the people, they are building their Townhall-11  maxed, but 60% of people rush the Townhall-11. And guys this the main reason that why the developers aren’t announcing Town Hall-12. In recent time I just search the YouTube for the Town Hall 12 but then I see they give us some concepts just to get viewers and get some money.

The Developer can declare the new town hall level on, because that it’ll a big update and they give us some hints like pictures. So friends do not trust any fake videos that who are tell about that the COC town Hall 12 is coming November and December. 1st the Supercell announced that the Builder hall level 8 in this game.

Clash Of Clans New Troop 2018:

This is the important thing that which all Clasher is talking for, they need a new constant troop in the primary village. As we get all troops in the builder base it comes with the bigger changes.

Every COC game lovers need one new powerful troop which is available from the lower base. The game developers trying their new troop in the limited time.

I think you know the troop which I talking about. It is ‘ICE WIZARD’, its attack is just awesome. So I think the COC developers develop one troop like him.

read more: How to play COC ON PC/Laptop/desktop/Mac: Guidelines

Other Troops Might Come In The COC:

  1. Cannon

  2. Dwarf

  3. The Reaper

Above three troops can come with the new town hall or they will come on the Christmas update. Guys, This is Cool NA!

So let us see that when they will come. I am not sure that these troops will be Dark elixir or elixir but my mind strongly thinks that it will be dark elixir troops.

3rd Village In COC?

Lots of people seen or heard photos of the third village idea created by one Youtuber ”VOV VOXON”. He created the beautiful concept for this game. But dear I tell you one amazing news that the Supercell banned 1000 accounts.

It isn’t coming in the upcoming 2 and 3 updates. This is because of the Builder Base. The game developer now launched the builder base for the Clashers to appreciate the actual multiplayer still and the battle they have to bring the Builder Hall 8 in this game.

And they have to give the 1st preference to the Town Hall 12. Lots of people do not play the builder base but just a few percentages of people playing the builder base. So Guys just wait and watch and play this exciting game.

Town Hall 12 And Major Updates:

If the Town Hall 12 come then you can get some amazing features, below I give  you some concepts,

  1. You Can get new town hall level.
  2. You can get more space in this game.
  3. Army cam capacity will rise from the 240- 260.
  4. Eagle artillery and Archer towers level increase.
  5. The hero might be rider or wizard king.
  6. More defence comes to your village.
  7. Some hero’s level increase upto 50 level.


I know you’re true COC lover, Then please share this post with your friends. Again, I tell you that if you have any questions about COC New Troop Update then you can go to our comment section and ask a question then we will answer you soon.