It’s Not VPN, It’s VeePN- 7 reasons To choose VeePN


Let’s face it, the internet is a stalker you can’t get away from. Constantly monitoring what, when, how, where, why’s of your daily life. That’s where VPNs come in and VeePN is my choice. If you have a question in mind, why choose vpn – Here are my 7 reasons of picking VPN.

7 Why To Choose A VeePN

Since the Internet is such an open world, your identity is in danger. At least an Internet-savvy geek like myself feels so.

It wouldn’t be wrong if I said that there is an article every day that reads someone’s ID has been hacked or personal data has been stolen. Doesn’t this worry you? VPN (Virtual Private Network) can become your first step to a more secure online experience.

The VPN encrypts the data that your computer transmits on the Internet and makes it arduous to trace back to you.It does this via a server that acts on behalf of you thus, encrypting your location, data and more. Now, from an array of VPN providers in the market currently, I would recommend VeePN. Why? Here are my seven reasons:

  1. Speed

What happens with a lot of VPN service providers is that although they allow a secure network, the speed, on the other hand, is compromised. Well, that’s not the case with VeePN.

With more than 2500 serves across the globe VeePN is able to provide lightning fast speed without any bargains on security. With VeePN, the days for long download durations and limited bandwidths are behind us.

2. Security

VPN’s were invented to support internet users like you and me with a more secure environment and VeePN takes its job seriously.

It has stretched its services across the globe, specifically Europe (1168 serves), USA (1153 serves), Asia Pacific (226 servers), Africa (30 servers) and the Middle East and India (102 servers) providing a wholesome experience.

Moreover, it promises to deliver bank level 256- Bit encryption, the ones bankers use to keep your money secure. Now, connect, collaborate and interact on a global scale with no risks, only with VeePN.

3. Availability

With developing technology there is a new form of interface introduced every day. We are just not restricted to our personal computers anymore. Smartphone, laptops, tablets the internet is everywhere you are.

Hence, VeePN caters to a wide array of these platforms. From windows to Linux, Android IOS and more, VeePN is up to date with the newest firmware in the market. Adding on, it also offers an unparalleled secure connect to up to 10 devices from a single VeePN account.

A service provider that understands its customer’s needs, VeePN proves to be customer friendly.

4. Content Access

The usual ISP (internet service provider) will not provide an IP that will let you access reserved websites.

These are websites banned by the government, institutions or organizations laws and protocols. However, with VeePN all and every information is available for you.

From blocked websites to restricted pages, there isn’t a single information that you can’t view. How does it happen? VeePN simply masks your IP not allowing the regulatory institute to locate you. If you are a fan of video streaming websites, then Top VPN Providers such as VeePN bypass the restricted content.

5. Save yourself from monetary manipulation

Although it’s not a direct feature, VeePN rates are bang on. With a little money you spend, they offer deals on airline tickets, cheaper car rentals, discontinued software and other streaming services.

The fact is while many institutions track your data via your IP and manipulate their prices accordingly, VeePN clearly prevents them from doing this, thus help you with the best deals.

6. Unlimited Server Switching

An expansion in over 48 locations bonded by VeePN companies across the globe, you can easily switch serves. It really helps when you are within the spectrum of online businesses.

There is a chance that if you use the same server for a long time, you might be recognized hence, switching servers are your best chance at saving yourself from such troubles. Not just as an organization but as an individual, the feature proves to be quiet helpful.

7. Multiple VPN Protocols

VeePN uses software like OpenVPN and IEKv2 (Internet Key Exchange used to provide maximum security) to deliver maximum security to its users.

Plus, it has also developed its own protocols adding an extra layer of protection, allowing you geographical passage, a new feature that was not possible with earlier protocols. A 360-degree secure networking is formed when there are multiple protocols is involved.


Now, we cannot escape the World Wide Web (www). Yes, VPN provides a secure networking option but nothing is completely secure when it comes down to the internet. You can count on VPN to minimize loss of data and overall security.

However, it is up to us to take that extra step. Simple things like changing your passwords from time to time, not sharing your details with other individuals and keeping a security check on all your accounts are few of the many steps you can take to distance yourself from potential risks. Shift to VeePN and eliminate risks, surf the internet stress-free.