10 Things to Know About App Development Before Launching Your App

How To Launch App

Several years ago, if you needed to create a website or set up your store online, you would need the services of an advanced coder. Today, these tasks have become more manageable for the average internet user because of the tools available. Technology has even made launching an app simpler for us.

However, if you have been thinking of developing an app, it is best to keep certain things in mind. After all, being a reliable app publisher is the only way to guarantee that your creation receives maximum exposure to the right audience. According to the experts, here are ten things you’d need to know about app development before you can launch an app successfully:

  1. Be a problem solver

There are thousands of apps out there, but the most successful ones are those that solve a problem! If you have an idea for an app, it should fall into that category, or it will fail.

Look at these widely known apps for instance and the problems they solve:

  • Facebook lets you be a part of the lives of people who matter to you regardless of their location
  • SnapChat adds a unique element to what Facebook does with its instant photo sharing feature
  • Trello lets you stay organized and prioritize your work

This is not to say that your app needs to be something as global as the examples above. It merely needs to be a genuine solution to a problem. Moreover, it needs to be better than any of its competitors. Instead of creating a giant social network, it is better to start small, such as a sleep meditation app that promotes a good night’s rest.

  1. Pick a platform

It might not be smart to release your new app on both Android and iOS. Pick a platform where you will launch on first, so the app is optimized accordingly. Once that is done, you can start working on the second launching.

The platform of your preference will depend on what you hope to gain. For instance, if in-app purchases are a part of your monetization strategy, you’d best stick with iOS. Although, if adoption and retention are what you are looking for, then go with Android.

  1. Plan your release date

A release date often makes a newly released app or breaks it! For instance, if you just launched it willy-nilly on the same day a significant headliner is also releasing an app, your app might be relegated to the shadows on the tech calendar!

Plan your launch ahead of time like you are doing with everything else and your app will get the attention it deserves. Pre-launch marketing can also be used to attract some influencers. Once you have their attention, request them to review your app for a better idea about areas that need improvement.

  1. Market it

App marketing is how you will get users to sign up for your product. To market it correctly, you will first need a website for your app. Work hard on creating an active landing page. Be honest and let your future customers know the reason behind the app’s conception. Talk about its purpose. You can also use the website later to provide updates and changes for later releases. A site can also be the platform where you gather the email addresses of the users. Before an app is released, the MVP is essential, but user feedback will matter after its launch.

  1. Study your competitors

If there are apps like the one that you are building, you need to be aware of them. That isn’t so you can copy them, but so you can make a better app than the ones already out there. Check out those apps and learn from their flaws and strengths. Then get to work on your app’s features and functionalities.

A good way to find out more about such apps would be to look at what their users are saying. Hit the ‘Reviews and Ratings’ section. Then adopt the strengths that the users have highlighted. Next, try to get rid of the things those users find annoying in the previous apps.

  1. Know your decision makers and power users

Know your target audience well. Identify the decision makers. These are people who could help you with distributing your app to other users who could benefit from it. Communicate with them and get their feedback because it could help when coming up with future updates. You’d also need to know your power users. These app-savvy users have been around for a while and aren’t afraid to express their opinions about apps. With their feedback, you could stand to learn much about issues like UI, UX, and workflow. Identify these target markets before you launch your app and you can market directly to them.

  1. Fixing bugs

Another thing you need to be prepared for is how to deal with bugs. A successful app launch doesn’t happen without thorough testing. However, you could miss a bug or two even after that. Therefore, have a plan in place that can help you recognize them and treat them quickly.

This is even more imperative if said bugs are associated with the app release. Bugs won’t take long to turn into poor ratings, which won’t just endanger this app but all the others you plan to release in the future!

  1. Keep building buzz

Prepare a content plan that will allow you not just to generate buzz during the pre-launch period, but way after the launch. Whether you do it by building an email list or through social media posts, you need to stay in communication with your target audience. Send them emails about updates or post on the social media regularly.

  1. Keep track of it all

Be ready with your choice of tracking and analytics before you release your product. That way you can gauge the level of user engagement as soon as the app is out. There are many APIs available in the market that show you different parameters.

For a newly released app, it is as essential to determine where it begins to lose its users as it is to learn about the number of app installs. If you know what is keeping people from enjoying your app, you can correct it. It could be a specific screen that isn’t user-friendly enough for them.

Alternatively, you might figure out that you need to amend the workflow. Just remember that the analytics can also be over critical to new app makers. Therefore, consider the experience a user has before you start making changes.

  1. Test your app

Once you have completed the development process for your app, there is one last step for you to take. Before you can launch it, your app will need to be thoroughly tested. Testing it beforehand will ensure that your first launch cements your relationship with its users. Inferior quality is not how you want the users to associate with your app.

An app that has worked out most of its kinks is an app that the people will want to spend money on. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should wait indefinitely. All apps have bugs, but they can be fixed. Just make sure you do a good job!

Head to AirG app reviews for more tips on perfecting a successful pre and post app launch!