Looking to Upgrade Your Restaurant’s Technology?


Years ago, all you needed was a simple cash register to keep track of your daily sales. However, with all of the new payment options available to the average customer, how are you going to keep up? Not to mention all of the costs associated with running a restaurant.

Long gone are the days of merely taking a customers order, delivering it to the table, and then accepting cash as payment. Its stiff competition in the restaurant industry today. With restaurants closing every day, it is no wonder why most restaurants are turning to the world of technology to keep up with the competition.

The new technology today allows you to not only accept all manner of electronic payment, but it keeps track of all of your costs as well. You know you need to upgrade your P.O.S. system when you need to track the following:

Sales Reporting

Today it is not enough to only know how much you’re bringing in on a given day. You need to know the percentage of sales to the amount of time your restaurant is open. What are the slow times when you can operate with a skeleton crew and when you need to bring in the big guns to service your customers? By using the sales report feature in most P.O.S software, it is as easy as playing Mario Tennis Aces, you will know how to become more profitable.

Customer Tracking

Every business owner knows that repeat business is the heartbeat of a thriving and profitable restaurant. The new technology keeps track of your customer base for you. They say that the money is in the list. Your customer’s transactions are saved and will let you e-mail your customers coupons, newsletters, and social media updates. Now you can keep your customers engaged and coming back to your restaurant for more of your delicious cuisine.

Food Cost

Most restaurants go under because of food costs and waste. If your business cannot keep up with its food cost, then you will be out of business very fast. Food costs are directly under your control. How can you be sure you are covering your costs if you aren’t sure what you are paying?

Vendor Tracking

A P.O.S. system keeps track of your vendors, food costs, and your profit margin for each dish you serve. Additionally, It allows you to keep track of your vendors prices and alerts you to price increases. You can set the system to automatic ordering when your inventory is getting low. Also, run comparison price reports to see where you can cut costs or switch venders.

Employee Costs

Out of all of your costs, employee pay and benefits are the highest. Your profits are being gobbled up with all of the regulations, taxes, and wages. The new technology that is available to you today is so efficient that it can keep track of your employee’s wages, schedules, and timesheets. It gives you the ability to factor in your staff costs to your food costs, which will ensure you are producing a profit.

Now you can see how vital new technology is to your business. By using a Point of Sale system, you will be able to track your sales, costs, and ensure your restaurant is profitable. So, what are you waiting for? Click here to learn more!


That’s all for today folks, I hope you find the information shared here is helpful and will share this with your friends and family members. As far as my opinion is concerned adding technology in your work can create wonders along with reducing stress from your head. But before adding any new thing understand it completely. Do you enjoy new technology coming in our daily lives mention it in the comment box below.