Latest Tips And Strategy To Play | Castle Clash Guide 2018

Want to be a hero than battle with arms that makes you the conqueror. Get this game on your device to play for endless excitement. It can be obtained for the Android and iOS devices. The application is available to download on their respective Google Play Store & iTunes Store. With simple and ease functions you are allowed to create your own ideal. Choose your military troops to form a team then take them for battles. Fight with honour and pride against the enemies by attacking their bases. So in this post, I will give you for castle clash guide 2018 to earn treasures which consist of gold coins and diamonds in an efficient way.

Top 5 Castle Clash Tips

If want to get successful at castle clash game then just do follow the tips that are mentioned here. Providing the best tricks that will bring certain changes rather than normal playing. It will help you to gain much more points and to form strong troops which will fight for you with the opposite enemies. Pay your attention to tips that are given after one by one.

  • Buildings should be placed closely in surround way. It will help you to stay stronger without building walls at your place. As it gives more space to stand more and more buildings that surround your arena. In this case, buildings will stand still like tougher gates which hard to pass on.
  • Keep building the arena so as to earn more and lot much amount. This will help in buying troops, arms and badges of honour per hour. Alongside the rank also does effects to the arena.
  • The top players able to earn more rank every hour with continuous play in battle. It will be helpful in hiring more powerful ranked heroes.
  •  Double to your army troops in the easiest way simply by increasing the levels of your town halls. It brings more space to form troops and to keep them.
  • Become even more powerful with the larger troop of armies to battle with the enemy.
  • Use the troops in different ways as at beginning send the tanks at first to battle which will distract the enemies.
  • Secondly, send short-range attackers which sufficiently damage the health of enemies.
  • Thirdly, send the large range attackers to finish the job at a battle which destroys everything in its path.
  • Lastly, to be a conqueror of the battle you need to target the town-hall of opposition. Its required as because after such long battle until you destroy the town hall you will not succeed. So to level up and for the next battle you are required to do this destruction to town.

Castle Clash Strategy

Planning a strategy is always required whenever you play games. Talking about the castle clash game, you must have the strategy to conquer the battles with you interact. A good plan before clashing with enemies might be grateful to gain lot more.

  • For being the genuine hero at castle clash you need to use the tomes and consumables at the top.
  • The gems given at the game are required to use in the correct manner.
  • Hire the community which consists of stronger troops to form.
  • But to note that when you have alike heroes or met vlad, just don’t hire troops from any such community unless the stun towers to absorb.
  • A special attack is necessary on each seventh hit at the battle period.
  • Same moment the movement of heroes will boost up and their attacking speed will be faster.
  • It will result, your troops to smash every enemy whoever comes in your way.


Here provided some of the effective tips to follow while the castle clash. There also few mentioned strategy which can be taken as working plan during the gameplay to a champion of the castle clash. If you follow the tips and strategy both at the same time then with less effort you will become champion of the game and able to gain more coins. Even your current profile will also level up alongside the ongoing battle with enemies.

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