CoD Zombies: Tomb Map EASTER EGGS Guide

The Tomb map in Call of Duty: Zombies packs a full sets of impressive Easter eggs, giving players lots of rewards and fun challenges.

This guide will show you all 20 side Easter eggs, from free weapons and upgrades to special power-ups and abilities.

Whether you’re great at killing zombies or new to the game, these Easter eggs will make your gameplay better and help you fight the zombie hordes.

1. Free Pack-a-Punch Crystal and Cryofreeze Ammo Mod:

In the Dark Aether Nexus, look right of the front left pillar in the sky. Shoot a moving rock to make four others move.

Quickly shoot all five rocks to get a Pack-a-Punch Crystal and Cryofreeze ammo mod in front of the Pack-a-Punch machine.

2. Rarity Upgrade Tool:

Near the green teleporter, freeze two waterfalls with a Cryofreeze weapon or Staff of Ice. This gives you a free Ethereal Tool to upgrade your weapon’s rarity. The tool’s level depends on the round:

  • Rounds 10-21: Purple Ethereal Tool (Epic Rarity)
  • After Round 21: Legendary Ethereal Tool

3. Glowing Spore Mushrooms:

In the Dark Aether Nexus, destroy purple glowing spore mushrooms to release orange and purple parasites. Killing these gives you Salvage and maybe scorestreaks or free weapons.

4. Free Random Perk Power-Up:

Get the Napalm Burst ammo mod from an Arsenal machine. In the Speed Cola room, quickly shoot all six pots by the three doorways with your Napalm Burst weapon. If done right, the pots will light up, and everyone gets a random perk power-up.

5. Free Ray Gun and 1,000 Points:

Find a shovel (in Oasis, Subterranean Temple, Deep Excavation, or Tombs area). Use it on dig spots to find three ancient gems. Give these to the statue in the Tombs area to reveal a teleporter rift. Beat the Disciples to get a free Ray Gun and 1,000 points.

6. Golden Armor Vest:

This tough Easter egg gives you regenerating armor. Get two heads from the Dark Aether Nexus and put them on statues in the spawn area.

Start the blood sacrifice and beat the elite bosses. For an easier way, try this after round 30 and use a Mutant Injection scorestreak right away.

7. Free Self-Revive and Light Mend Ammo Mod:

Break 10 vases around the map. They’re in the spawn room, Tombs, Stamin-Up room, Subterranean Temple, Deep Excavation, Neolithic Catacombs, and Oasis. Breaking all vases gives you a self-revive kit and Light Mend ammo mod.

8. Free Brain Rot Ammo Mod:

In front of a certain window, shoot the fallen statue’s head to start a Simon Says game. Shoot the glowing statue heads in the right order (left to right, then top and bottom rows) to get a free Brain Rot ammo mod.

9. Free 1,000 Points and Full Power Drop:

Use the Dead Wire ammo mod to shoot two electrical generators in the spawn room (one on the lower floor, one near the level 2 armor wall buy). This gives you a Full Power drop and 1,000 points (2,000 with Double Points).

10. Friendly Skeleton Zombies:

With the Brain Rot ammo mod, shoot four skulls with X marks in order: behind the crafting table, in spike traps, in front of the green teleporter, and in front of the Disciple statue. This makes four friendly zombies that explode and leave secret info.

11. Jump Scare Easter Egg:

Look at statues in three spots (above Quick Revive, Neolithic Catacombs, and opposite Deadshot Daiquiri) until they turn and their eyes go red. After some whispering, a scary mummy image will pop up on your screen.

12-18. Free Power-Ups:

Get every power-up for free by shooting specific spots:

  • Nuke: Neolithic Catacombs, left of the mystery box
  • Max Ammo: Subterranean Temple, right of the red teleporter door
  • Insta-Kill: Deep Excavation, on a cliff face
  • Full Power: Shrine of the Hierophant, opposite the crafting table
  • Double Points: Dark Aether Nexus, left side after the red teleporter
  • Bonus Points: Dark Aether Nexus, near the blue teleporter
  • Max Armor: Speed Cola room, on the right wall
  • Fire Sale: Spawn room, left of the Rampage Inducer (only after getting all other free power-ups)

19. Music Easter Egg:

Find and use three sets of Mr. Peak’s Bunny headphones:

  1. Left of Stamin-Up, next to a statue
  2. Right of the green portal in the Oasis
  3. Dark Aether Nexus, right path from the red portal

20. Free Weapon Upgrades:

Look for rare Ethereal Tools that can upgrade your weapon’s rarity. These can save you a lot of Salvage in later rounds.

Tips for Success:

  • Focus on Easter eggs based on what you need and the current round.
  • Talk with your team to work together, especially for multi-step Easter eggs.
  • Use Death Perception perk to find dig spots for the Ray Gun Easter egg more easily.
  • Combine Easter eggs for the best results, like using Double Points before getting free point rewards.
  • Practice the Golden Armor Vest Easter egg with the Mutant Injection method, as it’s very helpful for high-round attempts and boss fights.


Knowing these side Easter eggs will make your Tomb map experience in Call of Duty: Zombies much better.

From free weapons and upgrades to special abilities and power-ups, these hidden challenges give you many advantages to help you survive the zombie attacks.

Remember, you can do many of these Easter eggs more than once per game, so use them often to stay alive longer and reach higher rounds.

Good luck killing zombies!