Tips and Tricks to Play Better Piano Tiles 2

Piano tile 2

Piano tiles 2 is launched and it is the official name of this extension to popular game Don’t Tap the white tile. The game is an instant hit and topped download ranking in Android as well as on iOS platform in economies like United States, United Kingdom, Japan etc. The game achieved an award of Best Game by Google play in 13 countries.

Right now the game Piano Tiles 2 is a 5 star rated game from 8M reviews on Google app store. You easily analyze the popularity by looking on its number of downloads which is 100 Million and still counting. The piano theme games are quite popular in the last few years and fans like you have witnessed some great games like Perfect Piano, Magic Piano etc. I would like to share a fact that these piano theme games have claimed top download spots in more than 100 countries.

Piano tile 2
Piano tile 2

Reasons behind the success of Piano tiles 2

Music Centric

After its launch, the piano tiles 2 steadily picks up and made its place in top 5 most downloaded games worldwide on major platforms like Google app store and iOS. The game is simple, interactive and fun to play which makes it universal accepter. Cheetah Games the name behind the game used different mediums to promote the game. The mediums they used are their own ad platform, associated it with music, used their popular app CM Browser to promote it.

Developers collaborate with youtube celebrity PewDiePie to boost awareness of the game. PewDiePie personally promoted Piano tiles 2 on his youtube channel for a couple of times. The collaboration worked really well as the videos have been viewed millions of times and its effect is easily visible by steadily growing download graphs. Music helps to release stress and we all are listening to music from our childhood. This made it easy to be a part of our daily life and providing additional joy to our lives.  

Analyzing User Behaviour

It is not a simple task to be a leader by providing consistent performance in this competitive world. Same goes in the case of Piano Tiles 2 as the developers consistently analyzed user behaviour and updated the game almost on a weekly basis. This helps them to improve the game as per convenience of their user base. If you wonder how they do it than I would like to inform you that they simply analyze the usage data from some major platforms.

This gathered data has all the answers to some of the most controversial questions about gaming industry and current gaming trends. After getting this they started to develop the game and on every update, they implemented the change. This helped a lot to make the game top market charts globally also sets an example from which other publishers can learn. A released game can be benefited by regular planned updates and become everyone’s favourite.   

Silent Features of Piano tiles 2

  • Simple graphics or you can say non-fancy graphics makes the game easy to play the piano.
  • Lovely music and breathtaking rhythm always tend you to challenge every time.
  • You can customise the game by making your choice from songs, music, modes, old, classic and other styles to enjoy the game at another level.
  • The ranking system of game gives you an opportunity to compete with players from all around the world.
  • You can also invite your friends to play or share your ranking, performance with them.
  • Melodius high-quality sound makes you feel like attending a concert.
  • Make login using your FB account and acess your account on different device, place or time.
  • As you spend more time playing a game it gives you more bonus, more challenges and a better position.
  • One of the top three position holder in the category of free music games.
  • Join one of biggest gaming community already holds 1.1 billion players and still counting.


It is a rhythm game where you have to play some popular songs on piano. The piano keys are displayed on your screen in different layouts that too with varying speed. Actually, this adds fun and thrill while playing the game. This is how first and second instalment of game Yes, these are almost the same. Piano keys appear on the screen at full speed some times gets slower all you have to do is just press the right key at right moment.

As a result, you listen to song while playing the piano but a wrong press can end up your game at any point of time. Just choose your desired song from the given options some great songs which I love on the game includes sonatas and symphonies from Mozart, Jingle Bells, Pachelbel’s Canon.        

Download Procedure

For Android

  • Download the game from a given link.
  • As installation completes the game icon will appear in the menu.
  • Tap on it and follow the instructions.
  • You are all set to enjoy the game on your Android device.

For iOS

  • For iOS download, it from provided link.
  • After installing it on your device open the game.
  • Fill all the details and submit.
  • You are ready to play a game on iOS.

For PC

  • Get an Android Emulator for your Pc.
  • Drag and drop the game file in Emulator.
  • Install the game on your Pc using Emulator.
  • Open it and fulfil all necessary details and submit them.
  • You are all done to enjoy the game on your Pc.

Tips to improve your playing in Piano Tiles 2

Anyone can become a master of this game by simply following tips given below.

Learn Basic of Music

You may wonder how learning music basics will help you? But they really help you to understand the game and train your mind. Once the basic music fundamentals are clear, your mind automatically responds to tune. This adds fun while playing on the other develops your piano playing skills in real life. This knowledge helps you to play more piano easily as your skills will improve, and provides you the ability to play a wider, more varied musical parody.

Learn theory along with basic practicals, including key signatures, note values, chords, rests, the grand staff, etc. This also helps you to differentiate and respond accordingly just by listening you can use these shortcodes to remember and develop your own codes.  

  • Bass clef lines: Good Boys Deserve Fudge Always
  • Bass clef spaces: All Cows Eat Grass
  • Treble clef lines: Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge
  • Treble clef spaces: F A C E

Learn from right Place

Before learning anything you must get the right person to learn. So, find a good teacher to learn music basic things as this is the thing on which your playing the game depends. If private tutions are bit costly than you always opt for some learning apps or websites. They simply help you to learn from the comfort of your home just by sitting on your laptop or Pc.

Practice Scales

Scales play a major role while playing a tune by practising scales you get the ability to identify and differentiate between them. Practise them on your daily routine as “Practice makes a man perfect”. Regular practice helps you to understand which key is sharp and which one is flat it may take time. But don’t worry take your time start slowly and after regular practise your speed will increase automatically.    

Start Slowly

Some things take their time the same thing implies in this case. Do not make any kind of hurry while learning as it will result in worry only. Be patient start slowly and remember your lessons and soon you will be the master of this fun game.

Use Technology

In this modern era, there are several tools and websites available which help you to improve your skills. Try these resources as they will make you understand where you are lacking and work on that part. Some other techniques you can use record while playing and listen and diagnose faulty notes, see youtube videos etc.

Never Face towards your hands

This is the most important thing to consider some of you may find this difficult in starting. But regular practise without seeing your hands will develop an effortless piano playing skills. Which is great and help to enjoy the game and your expertise while playing the piano better. As you will rely on your memory and ear the physical obstacle which leads to mistakes as speed varies while pressing a piano key.

Sing while Playing

All of you are aware that singing is one thing and playing is another but if you start singing while playing the piano. You will get to know that there is a melody tune which connects both and this aids to your memory and develops a playing dynamic response. Start singing while playing it is must for every beginner as it results in developing yourself as an expert.

Add pieces of advance level while playing

You may always look toward for short advance script pieces and experiment by adding it in your regular playing. This helps you to improve and learn next level music playing skill. Even I myself surprised my teacher on a regular note by adding short notes which are a level higher from my current playing scale.  This add on will help you to develop new tunes, adds variety and so more.

Practice Scale and chords

This is a key to success as a regular practice will add up on your piano playing skills and listening skills. Implement this practice on your daily routine and observe the changes and improvement you will witness on your own. Trust me this is going to really work tested and tried by many of my friends personally and they improved really well.

Follow with Discipline

You need to add strict discipline in your practice sessions as controlled practise sessions will help to extract the right amount of knowledge. As long practise session in a week is not beneficial on the other hand daily practice in a short session help to improve effectively.

Pick the right device

While learning music you need to know how to pick the right device. To identify you can take help from your music teacher or go through with detailed guide available across the internet. Buying a piano with less number of keys or non-standard size will not help you provide proper learning.

Break it up

When you start learning a song break it up in several short parts and learn and practise them. As these small parts are simpler to learn and you can easily play one after another making full song. So, do not try to learn the full song as it is not going an easy way but breaking it up can help you. Try my personal schedule to learn which is given below.

  • Monday – Learn the first section.
  • Tuesday – Learn the second section and play both sections together.
  • Wednesday – Learn the third section and play all three sections together.
  • Thursday – Learn the fourth section and play all four sections together.


Hey guys, You are now fully aware of each and every aspect of game. The information shared here is to help you and equip you with all essential information that will help you to take the call on it. Today here you learn how to download the game on different devices along with tip and trick which help you to become an expert in the game. If you like the content refer it with your friends and family members also do not forget to show your love and support in the comment box below.

You can also share your valuable suggestions, things you want us to include, things you want us to remove, any doubt or question for which you need a solution or anything else which you wanted to share with us. Till then live life enjoy every moment of it and to stress out you can always play Piano tiles game on your device.