Area f2 Game Download for PC, Android and IOS

Area f2 Game Download

In the Area f2 game, you must be familiar with the Global Launch Event: ALL AGENTS FREE for 7 days, you read it right! You can play with all the agents without spending a single penny. However, it will end on 31st May 2020. Area f2 is first of it’s kind ie Close-Quarters battle (CQB) person game mode.

CQB is a very new concept in the world of mobile gaming battlefield. The PUBG lovers can take a turn to this game as it gives you much personal experience than any other battlefield game. As you know it is a shooting game and there will be attackers and defenders the same as any other battlefield game.

Yes, it is a multiplayer game and you can play it while teaming up with your family and friends. However, it is based on narrow but multi-dimensional battlefield surroundings. There are many different modes in this game and you need to select those to play in a particular one.

Area F2 is unlike PUBG, as PUBG is based on the fight in the vast islands, however, this one is hyper-realistic and based on the close-quarter fights. You can get easy access to play it online by downloading it on your iOS or Android mobile device.

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Features of Area F2 game

As you have now brief introduction about the Game Area F2, let me list out the features in detail of Area F2 game: –

CQB (Close Quarter Battle)

This kind of gameplay is introduced first time in battlefield games for mobile devices. Moreover, it is the first-person shooter game as well. This Game similar to one of the fighting battlefield games named Rainbow 6 Siege and Area F2 is also known as a clone of it.

However, the truth is that Area F2 is similar in the gameplay and some of the similar features and factors, but it is different than Rainbow 6 Siege. Area F2 was launched and developed by Qookka Games, however, the Rainbow 6 Siege was launched and developed by Tom Clancy.

Area F2 is available to be download on mobile devices only, however, Rainbow 6 Siege is a PC game based on the CQB battlefield. I would like to give you a fair idea about CQB, what exactly it is. This a very limited area in which attackers and defenders have to fight with each other means smaller and confined battlefield than Royal battles like PUBG.

There will be no need for maps to find and follow the routes to the battlefield to chase and kill your enemy troops.

More than 20 soldiers loaded with the most powerful weapons

Yes, you can choose from any of the available more than 20 soldier agents. These agents are always ready with powerful weapons to fight with the enemy on the battlefield anytime and every time.

To spy your enemy, and know their intelligence plan, Deploy Drones

Yes, it is a feature in the Area F2 game that you can deploy drones in your enemy’s area to spy them to know about their intelligence plans for an attack in the game. These drones can help you in finding your hidden enemies, and your target. Yes, your enemy can do vice versa, however, you can Jam their signals to restrict their drone’s entry to your own area.

You must be wondering how it will be helpful, let me assure you that if you know such sensitive information about your enemy that means you have already won the half war without even entering in the actual battlefield.

Maps and Modes in the game

There are 4 different modes in the game of Area F2 ie. Casual, Rookie, Room, and Bootcamp. You can choose any of these four modes as per your choice. Bootcamp means it is a training space for your soldiers to learn to fight with enemies on the battlefield. They can start it from the beginner’s lessons. However, there is no kind of levels in this mode of the game.

If you choose to play in Rookie mode there will be up to 20 levels. And there will be a single map in this mode of Area F2 game. Unlike this mode, the casual mode has no restrictions on different levels. However, If you want to select a custom map and mode then you can choose to play in Room mode of this game.

Gameplay & Teams

There is an amazing feature in this game. As you know, like any other shooting game, the soldiers are being divided into 2 teams that are Defenders and Attackers. However, they both switch their roles after half time. The soldiers are being called as agents here in this game and all the agents are already loaded with all the weapons to attack and defend from each other.

This game, to win you need to earn the points while attacking your enemy and defending your teammates. The maximum number of points means, earner is the winner of the Area F2 game. The points make sure to unlock a maximum number of levels and modes as you progress in the game.

There is one more feature in the game that is a daily challenge. In which you can earn a maximum number of points by defeating your enemy and winning the challenge game match.

Requirements For Area f2 Game Download

For Android devices: – It requires a minimum of Android 4.4 and above to install on your Android devices. For RAM minimum 2 GB and 16 GB ROM. Moreover, you will require a minimum of Snapdragon 625 or equivalent. But I will suggest you have a minimum of Snapdragon 835 or equivalent and a minimum of 3GB RAM and 32 GB of ROM for smooth gameplay.

For iOS devices: – It needs to have a minimum of iOS 9.3 or later and 1 GB of RAM. However, I would recommend you to have a minimum of 2 Gb of RAM and iOS 13 or above to play the game seamlessly.

Area f2 Game size

The size of the game is 80 MB, however, you need more than 100 MB of storage to download and install this game.

Area f2 Game download (for pc, android, ios)

You can click the below button to download Area f2 game.

Download Area f2 Game For PC (Bluestacks)

Download Area f2 Game For Android (APK File)

Download Area f2 Game For IOS


Area f2 game is online or offline?

Area F2 online games can be played offline as well. However, you can’t team up with your family or friend in offline mode. And some of the features will not be available to use in the offline game mode.


I have listed all about Area F2 game. If you still have any queries about it than please do comment here and let me know, I will love to answer it. Even if you are unable to install it then also you can comment here and we will try to resolve the issue for you.